Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 Filenews 12 April 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

After decades, the toxic waste from the mine of Limni, which until recently was evident in the Mavrali picnic area and the adjacent beach of Argaka, is finally being removed. In the area, a modern beach is created which is expected to be a pole of attraction for bathers and other visitors, given the unique natural beauty of the area.

The cleaning of the area from the remains of the toxic waste from the old mine of Limni, has long been urged by representatives of environmental and social bodies who called on the competent authorities to put an end to this dangerous situation.

Members of organized groups who visited the "Mavrali" picnic area on the beach of Argaka recently spoke, speaking to "F", about a dispiriting spectacle with the obvious amounts of toxic residues that have existed for years in the protected beaches of sea turtles of Limni and Argaka.

This area, they stressed at the time, is considered a very important biotope and it is imperative to mobilize all the competent bodies to make a proper restoration of the beach and the habitat in this unique natural beauty area.

Now, the situation has changed and soon the beach and the picnic area will be an environmental oasis, with the waste that is removed from there being taken back to the now abandoned mine.