Monday, April 11, 2022


 Filenews 11 April 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

Chloraka is not only ghettoization, over-concentration of foreigners and problems of a social nature due to immigration. This message is sent by the Cultural Environmental Group of Chlorakas, an association founded in 1990 and which has already made more than its constant presence felt on issues of culture, culture and social interventions in the wider region. Speaking about this issue, the President of the Club, Andreas Kyriakou, stresses that the aims of the association are the creation of cultural and environmental interests in the community, the preservation and preservation of morals and customs and generally the traditional cultural heritage and the promotion of the culture of the social and spiritual interests of the residents.

"We are still striving to contribute to the development of greenery and the protection of the environment and generally for the cultivation of environmental awareness", he points out. "The Cultural Environmental Group of Chlorakas is a member of the House of Arts and Letters of Pafos as well as a member of the Federation of Environmental Organizations of Cyprus (O.P.O.K.). In recent years, the Cultural Environmental Group of Chlorakas has realized a large number of quality cultural events, such as book presentations, author awards, painting and book exhibitions, lectures, entertainment events, creation of a theatre and a theatre academy for children with the financial support of the Community Council of Chlorakas. He organized lectures on the environment in the primary schools of the community with simultaneous cultivation of tree plantings. It cooperates closely with the Department of Antiquities of Pafos regarding the sprucing up and cleanliness of the archaeological sites of Chloraka".

The Cultural Environmental Group of Chlorakas, observes also its president, among other things proceeded to the production of a 70-minute documentary about Chlorakas, on the subject: "The Chlorakas of yesterday and today, a memory record". It also took initiatives aimed at the protection and preservation of the monuments of nature, such as the traditional endemic trees and generally the protection of the natural environment of the area.

"Our association with its recommendations to the Community Council sought and seeks the creation of a Lending Library, a People's Museum and a Cultural Centre where the cultural associations of the community could be housed and the youth had a place for healthy employment", says Mr. Kyriakou. "Our suggestions include the creation of bicycle paths, as well as appropriate pedestrian walkways that will connect the seaside area with the center of the village, as well as the expansion of greenery where possible."

Andreas Kyriakou points out that the Chlorakas of today, no longer gives the impression that it is an idyllic hamlet that would arouse the interest of a romantic travleler. Rather as a district of the city of Pafos can be perceived by someone, rather than a village with some special characteristics that would make it stand out from the fiery mix of development, he admits: "Unfortunately, the excellent natural beauty of the plateau with the territhias, the oaks, the carob trees, the mersin, the lentisk and the natural ecosystem in general, it was replaced with apartment buildings and other related "concrete boxes" of any shape and taste.

The entire slope, the ridge of Chloraka, was rabidly "looted". From the beautiful location "Klounoi" to the hill "Melanos" with reference points such as the old fountain of "Pyrkos", the steep gorge with the unique natural beauty and fauna that hid inside it, the "Apples", the "Kapyroi" and so many more that nature gave us.

Unfortunately, there was no proper urban planning that would preserve the natural beauties of Chlorakas and would be combined in some way harmoniously with the upcoming development. Many centuries-old trees have been cut down due to the building orgasm of recent years. Certainly the conditions set are not followed and relate in particular to protected trees.

How the community got its name

Chlorakas borders the Municipality of Pafos, Lempa and Emba. In Chloraksa and mainly in the coastal part of it have been found many tools and objects of the Neolithic era. At the site of Palloures, a settlement of the Chalcolithic period is excavated (2019).

There are also preserved parts of an ancient aqueduct where according to legend it was built by Rigena to transport water to Paphos. Also known is the archaeological site of Hellinospilioi dating back to the 3rd century BC.

"According to testimonies", stresses the president of the Cultural Environmental Club of Chlorakas, "in the Middle Ages the village was called Praskiouros because it had a lot of greenery and from afar it looked like a green tail, i.e. praskiouros, it was also called Prastion because it was next to Paphos, that is, a suburb. The name Chlorakas probably comes from the name of the Frankish owner of the area. Some scholars claim that the village Chlorakas took its name from the greenery, the grass, that the village had and that from the word "chloros" and so it was named Chlorakas. Chlorakas has churches built in the Middle Ages, such as Panagia Eleousa with frescoes of the 12th and 13th century and Agios Nikolaos. Other churches of the village are Agios Ephraim, Agios Ypatios, Agios Georgios, where the Armenians of Cyprus operate today. Archangel Michael, Saint Nektarios and Panagia Chrysoimatousa".

The president of the cultural institution of the community points out that the changes of today touched the most characteristic product that has been inextricably linked to Chlorakas, its famous cucumbers.

The transformation of the village

"It is true that Chlorakas ceased to be the once famous village with the early cucumbers of Chlorakia and Zazarvatika", he says. "There are very few residents who are now engaged in agriculture. Chlorakas was suddenly transformed into a tourist village and as is the case in other areas of the island, always with the carriage in front and the horse behind the carriage".

The president of the Community Council of Chlorakas, Nikolas Liasidis, recently announced a new set of promising projects concerning the redevelopment of the centre of Chlorakas, the creation of a cultural and exhibition multiplex in the area next to the amphitheatre, measures to improve and protect the coastal section within the municipal boundaries of the Community of Chlorakas with the construction of breakwaters, works to improve the coastal front and more.

Referring to this fact, Andreas Kyriakou observes that Chlorakas certainly needs many infrastructure projects that should have the main purpose of serving and improving the lives of residents and foreign travellers who flood the area. However, they should always be carried out in the context of sustainable development, sound planning and environmental studies, he stresses:

"It is positive, and we recognize it, that the Community Council of Chlorakas offers financial support to the clubs that are active in the community and therefore contributes in this way to cultural events, sports and society in general. It is also known the support provided to all chlorakiotes writers who publish their books by the Community Council of Chlorakas. On the positive side is the contribution of the Ecclesiastical Committee of Chlorakas, which always supports our work, mainly with the free allocation of the venue that belongs to the church. Chlorakas should feel proud of at least 25 of her writers, some of whom excel abroad, as well as of the poets and painters. Also for its special people, those personalities who contributed and contribute in every way for the prosperity and the good of our country".