Thursday, March 24, 2022


 Filenews 24 March 2022 - by Michalis Hadjivasilis

Letters to four thousand asylum seekers who have not registered as unemployed were sent by the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, warning them of cutting off the benefits they receive.

Information from "F" states that under the law, people after submitting their application for asylum, can reside wherever they wish and move freely until the examination of their application. They are, however, obliged to register with the competent services to find work. From the checks carried out recently by officials of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, it was found that about four thousand asylum seekers did not come to register to look for work, apparently in order not to lose the benefit they receive. Following their identification, a list was drawn up and they were recently sent a letter of formal notice asking them to register for work, otherwise they will lose the benefits they receive.

Also, from the checks carried out by the services of the Deputy Ministry, about 400 asylum seekers were recently identified who were receiving an allowance from the state and at the same time an allowance from the Social Insurance. Following this development, instructions were given to cut off one allowance.

According to the same information, the major problem with asylum seekers is that after the submission of their application they are searched by the services of the state and are not located. While they state a specific residence address, however, when they are searched either for a check or to be asked for clarifications, they are not identified, since in some cases they may have never stayed at the address they declared.

Now, in order to eliminate this problem, as soon as asylum seekers seek asylum, they are forced to declare a residence address which is immediately checked and registered in the systems of the Social Welfare Services. Also, to people who live in buildings that have been deemed unsuitable, it was decided that they should be immediately cut off the rent allowance, so that they would be discouraged from continuing to live in them. Such cases had been found in Nicosia and Pera Chorio Nisou, as well as in Chlorakas, where a large number of foreigners lived in an apartment complex, while they had received letters to leave.

Meanwhile, the flows of migrants continue daily despite the measures taken by the authorities to contain them. Indicative of the prevailing situation is that from 16-20 March 770 people who came through occupied territories, asked for political asylum. Also, in another development, the communities of Denia and Mammari are opposed to the placement of a barbed wire to the side of the Green Line to prevent illegal immigration.