Monday, February 7, 2022


 Filenews 7 February 2022

Weak low pressure affects the area, while low barometric which moves east will begin to affect the island by Tuesday night. In detail, the prognosis until Friday:

On Monday afternoon the weather will be partly cloudy. Winds will blow mainly southeast to southwest, weak, 3 Beaufort, and locally, on the windward coast, to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea will generally be up to a little turbulent.

Tonight the weather will be partly cloudy and at times cloudy with isolated rains, mainly in the western half of the island. Winds will blow mainly southwest to west, and to the west to southeast, weak, 3 Beaufort, and locally, on the windward coast to moderate, 4 Beaufort. The sea will generally be up to a little turbulent. The temperature will drop to 8 degrees in the interior, around 10 degrees in the south and east coasts, around 12 degrees in the west and north coasts and 3 degrees in the higher mountains, where locally frost is expected to form.

Tomorrow Tuesday the weather will initially be partly cloudy, with the possibility of isolated rains, mainly in the west and south. Gradually by the evening, the weather will become mostly cloudy, with local rains and isolated thunderstorms, initially from the west, and progressively in the rest of the island. Winds will blow mainly from southwesterly directions, initially weak to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort, gradually, moderate, 4 Beaufort and locally, on the windward coast, moderate to strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be a little turbulent, and locally, windward, until turbulent. The temperature will rise to 18 degrees in the interior and the coast and 7 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Wednesday, the weather will be mostly cloudy with local rain and isolated thunderstorms. In the higher mountains, snowfall is expected.

On Thursday and Friday the weather will be mostly clear.

The temperature will drop significantly on Wednesday and from Thursday a gradual rise is expected, mainly in the coasts and the mountains.

The height of the snow in Troodos Square, at the time of issue of the bulletin, was 73 centimetres.