Thursday, August 5, 2021



Regarding the water supply to Kamares, the consumption is so great that the supply coming from Paphos cannot meet demand.  The two large tanks specifically for Kamares are emptied quickly and if the supply cannot replenish the tanks, the pressure drops and there is no supply getting through the pipes.

For the next 3 days, residents in Kamares are kindly requested:

-  No hosing down should be done

-  No garden watering - established gardens do not need daily watering - and, if you use gardeners, please ensure that they do not switch the system on and then leave it for hours on end 

- No topping up of swimming pools. Empty pools should not be filled from the mains - this is illegal and more expensive than obtaining a tanker of water.

Please be economical with the water that you have and use the least possible.   Tala Council have had staff working until the early hours of the morning to check and monitor supply to try and improve the situation but there is a limit as to what they can do. 

Water bills in Kamares for individuals are regularly €200+ for a quarter.  This compares with around €75 for others in Tala.  Please bear in mind that we live in a hot country [very hot at the moment] and water is a precious commodity - if we have a dry winter, then there will be a serious problem with supply in 2022.