Saturday, August 7, 2021


 Filenews 7 August 2021

Of the 36,000 children aged 12-15, 3.8% received the first dose of the crown virus vaccine , a week after the government's decision on child vaccinations.

According to the Ministry of Health, vaccination coverage with at least 1st dose per age group is as follows:

Age group            No in that group        16/7                    23/7                       31/7                 6/8

Overall until yesterday at least 75.5% of the adult population (18+) was vaccinated with the 1st dose, and 67.8%of the adult population completed its vaccination regimen. At least 30.3% of 16-17 year olds received the 1st dose and 18.5% of this age group completed vaccination. At younger ages (12-15), the 1st dose was administered at 3.8% in the period 2-6 August.

In relation to vaccination coverage by Province, as shown in the map attached, Paphos consistently has the lead with 86.3% of its population having received at least the 1st dose. This is followed by Famagusta and Nicosia Provinces with 83.3% and 76.2% respectively and Limassol Province with 74.1%. The lowest vaccination coverage still has the Province of Larnaca, with the rate at 70.1%.

In the walk-in vaccination centres in Cyprus there were only 3,054 vaccinations yesterday. From 15 July to yesterday, a total of 17,124 vaccinations were carried out at walk-in centres.

           Date                            No of vaccinations
