Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Filenews 18 August 2021 - by Angelos Nikolaou

A special spatial planning framework for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is in the making. A strategic environmental impact study has already been prepared in relation to the siting of projects using renewable energy sources in the power generation sector, which was carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Energy by La Solas Services. The study was submitted on August 2 by the Energy Agency to the Department of Environment and until September 8, opinions can be submitted by the public on the content of the study or the impact that its approval may have on the environment.

The main objective of the study is to assess the effects that may arise from the implementation of the proposed plan (direct, indirect, cumulative, negative, positive, etc.), their recognition, their hierarchy and the proposals of avoidance or mitigation measures, with a view to protecting the environment. When analysing the environmental impact, some are assessed as negative and others as positive and appear in all three sectors of production (primary, secondary and tertiary). There are also negative effects on the environment due to the inability of the state to implement measures to protect the environment.

The existing siting policy, which determines that the development of RES installations (with emphasis on photovoltaic installations) is allowed in agricultural / livestock zones, has an impact on the urban planning framework, mainly due to the need for land use change. The revised spatial policy defines areas for the exclusion of res projects in order to protect the existing urban planning. The revised siting policy, which specifies that the development of RES facilities is allowed in agricultural/livestock zones, will therefore have insignificant consequences.

The new spatial policy is based on three pillars:

  • The definition of RES technologies that are included in the National Energy and Climate Plan, which includes photovoltaic installations, wind installations, solar thermal systems installations, biomass utilization facilities, pumping storage.
  • The national and European targets for the penetration of RES as defined in the two scenarios of the National Energy and Climate Plan.
  • The current legislative framework for the spatial planning of RES.

The implementation of the design of the new spatial policy is based on the definition of:

1) Priority areas per type of RES technology, which are defined by recognizing the comparative advantages they have for the installation of RES projects (e.g. areas with exploitable wind potential, hydrodynamic potential, etc.) and at the same time taking into account the carrying capacity of the areas especially for the areas that according to the analysis of the current situation have the greatest demand,

2) Exclusion areas and incompatibility zones:

  • With environmental criteria: Protection of the landscape, protection of the natural environment, Natura areas, special protection areas, species of special wild birds under threat (Spizaetos / Perticosachino, Pyrochros Vulture), areas of high ecological importance, state forests, corridors, passages of migratory wild birds, remarkable coasts and beaches.
  • With urban planning criteria: City plans and settlement boundaries, urban protection zones (nature protection areas, protected landscapes, areas of exceptional natural beauty), livestock areas of strategic use.
  • Areas of irrigated land consolidation.
  • Highly productive agricultural land
  • Direct, riparian and nearby protection zones of water reservoirs.
  • Declared listed monuments of world cultural heritage and other archaeological monuments of major importance.
  • Technical criteria: Slopes of the ground, orientation, distances from substations, altitude.

Protection of the natural environment

Protected areas are an important part of environmental protection and such are defined as natural areas of special ecological interest that are placed under protection status, which is recognised either through their designation under the applicable national legislation, or through their establishment in the framework of international conventions ratified by the country, as well as international or European initiatives. Furthermore, the Natura 2000 sites are areas for the conservation of habitat types and species of Community interest. Protected areas are designated as follows: a] Biodiversity Protection Areas. b] National Parks. c] Wildlife Refuges. d] Protected landscapes and protected natural formations.

RES within Natura areas

The protective framework for Natura 2000 sites is quite strong, although these areas are not excluded from economic activities. In these are allowed a variety of activities, always in accordance with the need to protect each area.

For this reason, it is of great importance, in addition to the location of RES, the process of their environmental permitting. In the licensing process it is important to apply the procedure of appropriate assessment, based on Art. 6 of The Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC for both projects in and around Natura 2000 sites. Due consideration is made on the basis of both conservation objectives and the assurance that the integrity of the site is not disturbed. In this context it is important to take into account the cumulative effects of the project, as well as to consider alternatives.

Siting of offshore wind farms

Especially for offshore wind, the exclusion zones will be determined on the basis of the provisions of the Maritime Spatial Planning. In addition, the sites for the potential installation of offshore wind farms will be determined on the basis of local wind potential, the technical foundation capacity and the possibility of interconnection with the Transmission Network.

Exclusion areas and incompatibility zones

Spatial planning should include measures to avoid visual disturbance from RES installations and should determine distances from areas such as: 1. World Heritage Sites, Monuments of Major Importance, archaeological sites, historical sites, zones of strict protection of other archaeological sites. 2. Departments of National Parks, monuments of nature and aesthetic forest. 3. Characterized traditional settlements. 4. Boundaries of cities or settlements. 5. Tourist areas (accommodation, infrastructure, ports).

Highly productive agricultural land

Rural management is an integral part of spatial planning. Supporting regional development by strengthening agricultural production while protecting the environment and natural resources must be the main objective of this planning. In this context, the renewable and non-renewable resources of the rural area and its infrastructure projects are distributed, delimited and mapped and the activities of the rural area are located.

Agricultural land, and especially agricultural land of high productivity, is a scarce and irreplaceable natural resource. This resource is a commodity of national importance, while at the same time it is an essential condition of sustainable development and an essential basis of our production system. Therefore, the State must protect and safeguard agricultural land and in order to achieve this, a broad legal and regulatory framework has been developed.

Despite the need to protect agricultural land of high productivity, to date the demarcation of the areas concerned has not been completed, which affects the planning and creates possible conflicts in the development of the region. The use of the most valuable soils for energy production rather than for food production potentially creates conflicts, on the one hand in terms of the productive orientation of the countryside and on the other hand it jeopardises food security and environmental protection. The massive change of use of agricultural land and the deterioration of the rural and natural environment pose serious risks, both for agriculture and livestock farming, sectors of production of basic food products and quality products of high added value, as cultivated areas and land from pastures are bound for the installation of photovoltaics.