Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Filenews 18 August 2021 - by Dora Christodoulou

More and more Pafos agencies and agents are now openly expressing their deep concerns about the extent of the scourge of drugs in the province. The almost daily inclusion in the police bulletin of the province of news about finding drugs in premises, the arrest of young people with substances in their possession and the realization that more and more often drivers are behind the wheel under the influence of addictive substances, have prompted institutional bodies of Pafos in recent times to join their voices with those of ordinary citizens who have long been calling for action.

The most recent intervention in this social problem was manifested within the Pafos City Council. In a letter to the Mayor and the plenary of the body, the municipal councillor Philippos Philippou asks for the establishment of a Preventive Counsel against addictive substances in Paphos.

The gangrene of drugs nowadays assumes enormous proportions, he stresses in his letter. It is increasingly becoming a major issue for our small society. "The causes of the problem are substantial and multiple", according to Mr. Philippou. "They are directly linked to the modern way of life, the alienation and loneliness experienced by young people. They are associated with the personal, professional, economic and social impasses they face, as well as with the lack of social visions and collective actions, mainly by the State.

It is also known that this issue is a dire one. It does not focus on specific social groups, but concerns all young people, regardless of their social or economic status. Drugs are in front of us, next to us. It is not a personal family affair that concerns only users and their families. Drugs concern us and touch us all: the citizens, the local community, the institutions, the State, the whole country. It is a matter of par excellence socio-political that requires our immediate awakening and activation".

The problem of drugs in Paphos is real and unfortunately developing, observes Philippos Philippou. It is timeless, huge, complex and is a nightmare for many families, he points out:

"Unfortunately, the number of young victims is constantly increasing. The indicator is now in the red. The time has come, therefore, for everyone to assume our responsibilities. The State, the institutions, the active citizens. Really, who can close their eyes to this huge problem? Who can fail to see this open wound that is bleeding and makes us mourn victims? Who can bear to see our youth lost in this false world?  It has invaded our daily lives, our schools. That is why we are called upon to face it in the face. We are called upon to deal with it decisively, with coordinated moves and particular sensitivity.

The State is called upon, as it should, to develop in this direction a global and clear policy, aiming at the complete confrontation and solution of the problem. The Police and each educational institution, the schools as well.

As the Municipality of Pafos, we must act promptly, preventively and effectively. I hereby reinstate my proposal to create in our city a Preventive Counselling Centre against these addictive substances. Its main purpose will be advisory, i.e. it will act preventively, it will cooperate with schools and educational institutions, with organized groups and mainly with youth bodies. It will cooperate with the Police, the Cyprus Anti-Drug Council, the Cyprus Anti-Drug Association and various other state and private bodies. It will work with specialized medical staff and consultant psychologists and will be funded by European and State programs, but also through its various actions. The ultimate goal of this Preventive Counselling Centre will be to prevent the use of drugs by our youth and at the same time to lead them towards healthy sports, education, the creation of culture and art. Our young people should be led to programs and actions that will develop a healthy body, strong values and a strong mind."

The fight against drugs is the best investment for the future of Pafos, concludes in his proposal to the Pafos City Council its member.

"We must, with vision, with a plan, with method and continuous effort, work for the extrication of the new generation from the various fetishes of so-called liberation. Investing properly in our youth, keeping them out of the traps, means that our city will receive it multiple times in the future."

The situation is extremely worrying

A similar proposal was recently submitted by the MP of Pafos of DIKO, Chrysanthos Savvidis. Describing the drug situation in Pafos as extremely worrying and dangerous, he stressed the importance of creating those specialized infrastructures that will support the young people of the province in a scientific and preventive way.

The results of the narco-tests on the streets of Pafos, directly require the creation of a Rehabilitation Center in the province, he argues. The evidence so far shows that we easily take the steering wheel without caring and the results are of particular concern, since now several drivers have tested positive for narco-test.

"We consider that it is inconceivable that Pafos does not have a drug rehabilitation centre, since the problem has reached alarming proportions," according to the DIKO MP. "We appeal to those in power to see the issue directly because the scourge of drugs is one of the main problems facing the modern society in which we live.

Rehabilitation centres comprehensively address addiction and the problems that accompany it, providing counselling and rehabilitation treatment, family support, health care and legal unfinished business, education and training, reintegration into society and the world of work."

Unfortunately, Pafos is lagging behind in this area too and no one really cares, he concludes.

"Life is beautiful without dependencies and our young people, who are the most victims, must be helped, because if you consider the loss of so many young people, you understand that it is actually a clipping of the expectations of this place. It is as if we are crippled with the future of our society, because every young person who is lost is lost along with a hope of this land.