Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Filenews 17 August 2021 - by Michalis Hadjivasilis

Its first integrated structure for the controlled accommodation of migrants is set up by Cyprus in the area of Menogia. The first phase will start next September and will offer accommodation for 400 people.

In the mid-August, a coordination meeting was held yesterday at the Ministry of Interior under Minister Nikos Nouris, in order to initiate the work to be done so that once the project is delivered it will operate immediately. As explained to "F" by the director of the office of the Minister of Interior, Loizos Michael, this controlled area will accommodate people leaving the First Reception Center in Pournara, until the final examination of his application. According to him, the ministry has prepared a list of 28 so-called safe countries with their nationals being transferred to Menoya until their application is examined. The aim, Mr Michael said, is for their applications to be examined by the Administrative Court for International Protection within 2-3 months.

For those who are rejected, their applications will be transferred to the pre-removal centre for the purpose of deportation to their countries. The exclusive management of this Centre will be the Police. For those whose applications are approved or their examination is delayed, they will be transferred to the Controlled Accommodation Center, which will be managed by the Ministry of Interior. In this structure, which will be modelled on the one that operates in Samos, there will be playgrounds, sports facilities, a small grocery store, while the children will attend the nearby primary school of Kofinou. Residents, according to the plans, will be free to go outside the facility giving their digital footprint and move wherever they want. They should, however, return to the Centre in the evening. If they do not return then they will be identified and penalized by the director of the structure.

As decided, according to Mr. Michael, soon the Department of Public Works will announce tenders for the creation of the infrastructure required so that in its final form the Centre will have the capacity to accommodate 2,000 people. The Minister of Interior, Mr. Nouris, is pressuring the competent services to swiftly initiate the procedures in order to proceed with the projects, since it is estimated that now with the dramatic developments in Afghanistan, Cyprus will receive new migratory flows. Currently, Pournara hosts more than 1,000 refugees and migrants.

The controlled accommodation facility in Menoya is estimated to be ready for full operation in the second half of 2022.