Sunday, August 8, 2021


 Filenews 8 August 2021 - by Kostas Venizelos

Fully operational is the air base in the occupied area and already occupying Turkey has tested drones on various missions. These drones are used in missions in the area, possibly for training and control purposes.

Both the Republic of Cyprus and countries in the region, Egypt and Israel, are closely monitoring Turkish actions. These two countries know that they are in Ankara's sights and say that "the guards are aware". Both make it clear that they are prepared to operationally confront a shipment of Turkish drones against them.

For its part, the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informing foreign states and organizations, notes that these moves by Ankara, including Bogazi (naval base), pose a serious threat to the security of Cyprus, but also to the stability and security of the whole of  the Eastern Mediterranean. These actions are a clear indication of Ankara's willingness to increase its military presence in the region, using Cyprus as a base.

Many countries are concerned about Turkish moves. The US, for example, has discussed the issue with Turkish officials and expressed objections to actions that increase tension and contribute to destabilisation. In addition to the reactions, countries in the region now see Turkey as a threat to their security. At the same time, it is now clear that with these bases Turkey wants to stop any threats against it outside its own borders. That is to say, to stop these threats in Cyprus! At the same time, at the geostrategic level, Turkey is consolidating its presence. This setting, combined with the position for a two-state solution on the island, removes any prospects of resolving the Cyprus problem.

It is obvious that we are going through a period of unprecedented power redistribution in our wider region. By following this, Turkey is very much in favour of being part of this "process" and is also using occupied Cyprus in this context to fulfil its objectives.