Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Filenews 14 July 2021 - by Ioanna Mantziepa

Shock is caused by the news of the 22-year-old pregnant woman who has been hospitalized since yesterday intubated in the Intensive Care Unit of Nicosia General Hospital, due to covid pneumonia. The pressure on public hospitals is increasing to an alarming extent, as does the need for patients to be hospitalized in Increased Care Units and even to be intubated. The number of new cases of coronavirus is now three-digit daily, while in recent days in three-digit numbers there have been hospitalizations.

With regard to the case of the 22-year-old, who is in her 18th week of pregnancy, it is of great concern even to doctors. This is, as we have been told, the first case of a woman with these age characteristics who has had to be intubated. The young woman had severe respiratory failure.

Two other cases of intubating of persons that took place yesterday in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nicosia General Hospital are causing concern. They are a 35-year-old and a 46-year-old who have no history of vaccination. As mentioned to us, they are people who do not have any underlying diseases.

The picture recorded at Nicosia General Hospital is a concern since, according to the data, most patients are younger people who have not been vaccinated, and there are also cases where they have had to be hospitalized having received only one dose of vaccine. There is also a case with a fully vaccinated person, but not several days have passed since the second dose of vaccine was administered.

The ages of patients who are ill and need to be hospitalized are now low compared to previous pandemic waves where mainly the elderly were severely affected.