Monday, July 5, 2021


 Filenews 5 July 2021

The state will support the families of the four youths who died in the fire, government spokesman Marios Pelekanos said.

He also said that he would consider what kind of assistance Cyprus would receive from the European Union, and welcomed the statements of the President of the Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, to help Cyprus.

It is recalled that measures to help those affected by the deadly fires were decided at a meeting held yesterday under the Minister of the Interior, Nikos Nouris.

As announced by the Deputy Government Representative, Niobe Parissinos, it was decided:

* The payment of a lump sum to those affected, based on criteria to be submitted to the Council of Ministers by the Minister of the Interior.

* Completion by tomorrow of the recording of damages in order to start paying compensation.

* The transfer of those in need of accommodation, in addition to the 28 who were accommodated yesterday in Nicosia, to hospitality hotels, and.

* Police Patrols and ambulances to stay in the communities in the coming days, for safety reasons.

Ms. Parissinou stated that the recording and assessment of the damage, based on the instructions of the President of the Republic, has already begun by crews of the Larnaca and Limassol District Administrations.

He also said that instructions have been given and where the residences are safe, their occupants can return.

Source: eyenews/RIK