Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Filenews 20 July 2021

Five times said the Turkish President "Allah bismillah" (Allah is great) and those present on the ground cut the ribbons by inaugurating the ship – museum on the beach of the landing of the occupying troops in 1974, the ring road of occupied Nicosia, the building for eGovernment, the mejit (place of religious worship) of Bilal Aga and the garden at Famagusta Greek High School and the foundation stone in the new "presidential palace".

The event took place in the amphitheatre of the "university" east in occupied Nicosia. First spoke the "prime minister", Ersan Saner, then the T/C leader, Ersin Tatar, and lastly the Turkish President, Tayyip Erdogan, who made the live connections with Karavas, the regional Nicosia, the eGovernment building, Varoshi and the site where the new "presidential" palace will be erected in Agios Dometios. At all points there was a Turkish official in charge of the matter, usually a Minister and a T/C "Minister" or related "official".

Mr. Erdogan gave the floor and directed the cameras to what to show. Most of the time Turkish officials spoke only a little. In Bilal's mejit aga, the "director" of the "bacuffia department", Ismail Benter, was there but did not speak.

In his speech and referring to Varoshi, "Prime Minister" Saner said that with the opening of the mejit and the garden the whole world will see that their goal is to save the city from being a ghost town and to make it sustainable. "We hope that the whole world and our R/C neighbours will well assess this humanitarian message and take the necessary measures. Otherwise, we are determined to continue the path we have set out together with motherland Turkey," he said.

The opening of the museum ship Ç 1974 was made by the Turkish Ministry of Defence Houlusi Akar and the "hypx", Tachsin Ertugroglou, while Tayyip Erdogan urged the young people of Cyprus to "navigate this ship".

At the opening of the regional road of occupied Nicosia were the Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismaeloglou and the corresponding "Minister", Rasmiye Tsianaltai. This road is 20 km long and as The Turk said, President a total of 322 km of country road is still to be built.

For the opening of the eGovernment building, Turk President was connected to the site where the corresponding section where President of the Office of Electronic Reform, Ali Tacha Koch and the "chairman" of the pseudo-state's "administrative committee" for eGovernment, Swat Yeldeener, were building.

In connection with Bilal Aga's mejit, the President asked them to watch the indoor and outdoor space live. The ribbon was cut by the Turkish Minister of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbas, and the "director" of the "bakufians", Ismail Benter. Tayyip Erdogan said Varoshi is opening up under international law and will win back its good old days without affecting anyone's rights.

He thanked both personally and on behalf of his nation the "bakoufion department" for the restoration of the mejit. He added that they know there has been a lot of interest in the area since it opened last October. New projects are being carried out to revitalise the area, he said.

For the garden at the Greek High School he said it is one of the most beautiful swimming pool parks in the whole of Cyprus.

On the foundation stone for the new "presidential" Tayyip Erdogan said he saw the plans with Mr. Tatar last night and the architects. He is waiting as soon as possible, he added, for plans for the new "parliament" he announced yesterday that he would make in the occupied territories.