Saturday, July 3, 2021


 Filenews 2 July 2021 - by Dora Christodoulou

In the areas affected by last Saturday's devastating fire in Tala and Koili, as well as in Akoursos, the President of the DISY went to see the situation up close.

The Averoff Neophytou stressed that the competent firefighting services, as well as other state departments and volunteer residents of the areas, are worthy of congratulations for the struggle they have given to protect the national wealth that is the environment. He pointed out, however, that it is necessary to provide the State with further means to deal with criminal acts in this area and stressed that  DISY would support the Government in this effort.

"In the 21st century there are the means to detect fires in a timely manner, but also to identify the criminals who put them in," he stressed. "National Guard drones can help in this direction."

The Averoff Neophytou described as fortunate that in all the areas affected by the fires we did not mourn any victims, but stressed the seriousness of the situation in Tala, where even houses were destroyed by the fire nightmare.

"We must all be vigilant because it is not only the workers who are sufficient either in the Department of Forests or in the Fire Department," concluded the president of the DISY.