Thursday, July 15, 2021


 Filenews 15 July 2021 - by Kostas Venizelos

The coup d'état of 15 July 1974 was part of a wider planning, linked to the strategic aspirations of international players in the region. It was also the last act of a crime against Cyprus, the State of the Republic of Cyprus. In order to "achieve" this plan, many were drafted. From the inspirations and designers, the pawns, who were handed over, who rushed to "help".

Through documents that have seen the light of day, discovered by researchers, it has been confirmed that the aim was the partition of Cyprus. The imposition of the dictatorship in Greece, on 21 April 1974, was part of the puzzle, with Cyprus in the big picture. After all, the first moves of the dictatorship concerned the island, in addition to the implementation of decrees suppressing democratic freedoms and rights.

In Cyprus, the creation of the National Front (1969-1970) first and then of EOKA II (1972-1974) was the result of the quest to undermine the Republic of Cyprus and cause internal unrest, with the permanent aim of destabilizing. EOKA II, through its illegal armed action, funded by the Athens junta, paved the way for the implementation of the project and contributed to this goal through its actions before and during the coup d'état. The result has been Turkey's invasion of the island and what we are experiencing to date with the continued occupation.

The overthrow of President Makarios on 15 July 1974 and the Turkish invasion five days later were two events of the same plan. In the same tranche, starring, were the American secret services, acting in consultation with the powerful man of the State Department, Henry Kissinger, the Greek junta, the EOKA II and the civil-military establishment in Ankara. Their "coordination" was... faultless.

Especially after the invasion, an alibi was attempted in EOKA II and treason was attributed only to the junta. Documents of the time show directly the junta's relationship with EOKA II. With the overthrow of Papadopoulos by Dimitrios Ioannidis, he was - from the "new state of affairs" - immediately in contact with the leadership of EOKA II. In the conclusion on the Cyprus file, the Cypriot Parliament has submitted a letter Grivas to Ioannidis, in which the former requests financial assistance and a shipment of weapons. Typical was the intervention of the hunched Kosmas Mastrokolya- association of Ioannidis with the illegal terrorist organization - with the leadership of the EESA. On the basis of the Mastrokoly directives to the anti-government circles of the time, "open and full support for Ioannidis pre-targets complete success for the purposes of the organization (p.p. means EOKA II). Everything is expected of him." He also called for "sending telegrams of support from all the other organizations and associations to Ioannidis, Army Headquarters" and that "Ioannidis' support for Grivas is evident and clear. Proof of this is the visibility of which the telegrams of reservists, EESAs, etc. have been displayed under EIPS.'

"Alexander" lit the green light for the destruction of Cyprus

"ALEXANDROS IMPORTED HOUSE". This was the slogan for the coup d'état of 15 July 1974. The order is signed by the hunched officer Georgitsis. The order with a "lightning" character addressed to the National Guard, described as ELDYK 3. The signal was also communicated to the headquarters of the Hellenic Armed Forces in Athens, from where the orders and plans were. Date 15-7-74 at 8:17 a.m., signal protocol number 49. The order was given, executed and Cyprus was divided.

EECA II and after the coup d'état

On 30 November 1974, a Greek-Cypriot meeting was held under Karananlis and Makarios with a view to the latter's return to Cyprus. Clerides, who briefed on the situation on the internal front, said the following about the action of EOKA B and after the tragedy: "As far as the internal front is concerned there is a problem. Everyone's restrained. But there are still criminal and undying elements that cannot be ruled out as creating conflicts or even organising murderous attacks. There are 20,000 guns on their hands. It was recently noted that members of EOKA II regained financial freedom. This money does not come from within. Some of the well-known members of EOKA II changed their way of life. They travel, they have bought cars, they publish newspapers" ( The other deposit Privacy: The minutes of the meeting of 1974. Savvas Pavlos Molly editions). It is noted that on 30 August 1974 while Cyprus was still burning by the Turks and we were experiencing destruction, tragedy, EOKA II gunmen murdered Dosos Loizou and tried to kill Vasos Lyssaridis.