Thursday, June 3, 2021


 Filenews 3 June 2021

57% of Cypriots and 45% of Europeans feel "uncertainty" and 48% and 34% respectively "disappointed" in relation to the pandemic, according to the European Parliament's special Eurobarometer for spring 2021. The survey was conducted with 26,669 personal interviews in the EU from 15/03 to 14/04/2021, of which 504 interviews from 16/03 to 04/04/2021 in Cyprus.

In addition, 35% and 34% of Cypriots feel "fear" and "anger", with the corresponding percentages in the EU being 22% in both responses.

43% of Cypriots believe that the pandemic has affected their personal income, compared with 40% who respond negatively (31% and 42% respectively in the EU). 54% of Cypriots believe that lockdown measures have greater health benefits than the damage they do to the economy, while 46% believe otherwise (58% and 41% in the EU).

63% of Cypriots and 48% of Europeans are satisfied with the measures taken by the EU to tackle the pandemic, while 36% and 50% respectively are not satisfied. 59% and 44% in Cyprus and the EU are satisfied with solidarity between the 27 and 76% and 84% respectively believe that the EU should assume more powers in dealing with health issues.

In addition, 38% of Cypriots ask the EU to give MS the opportunity to financially support businesses to deal with the effects of the pandemic (which is already the case with the temporary framework for state aid), 36% of Cypriots ask the EU to invest more in vaccine development and treatment, while another 36% are asking the EU to invest in the sustainable development of the economy. The top response at EU level with 39% (30% in Cyprus) is for the EU to ensure fair and equitable access to vaccines (which is already the case with joint procurement and pro rata distribution).

72% of Cypriots ask the European Parliament to give priority to public health issues and 57% to support job growth.

63% of Cypriots and 57% of Europeans believe that the measures are moving in the wrong direction in their country and 50% and 49% respectively believe the same about measures at EU level.
