Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 Filenews 19 May 2021 - by Eleftheria Paizanou

In the next five years, 76 development projects will run in Cyprus, through funds totalling €1.2 billion. the country will draw from the European Recovery Fund.

The more than 300 pages of the Cyprus National Recovery Plan, which has been in the commission's hands for evaluation for the last 24 hours, included projects concerning all five axes of the Plan, namely public health and civil protection, the green economy, strengthening the resilience of the competitiveness of the economy, the digital economy and the labour market.

At the same time, 58 reforms will have to be implemented in 2021-2026, many of which will pass through the House. For reforms, specific timetables are foreseen.

The 76 development investments and actions included in the Plan are costed by the Ministry of Finance.

Today, Finance Minister Konstantinos Petridis is expected to present the Recovery Plan at a press conference at length.

"F" presents some of the key projects included in the National Plan.

  • Strengthening hospitals

The public health axis, which will absorb €74.1 million in European funds, included the following projects:

- Aid of the Makarios Hospital, to offer full treatment to children for all cases (cost €23.4 million).

- Extension of the Department of Interventional Radiology, including medical equipment (€1.5 million).

At the same time, it includes projects for the creation and/or expansion of dialysis units in all public hospitals in Cyprus and the creation of new facilities for the Blood Center and the supply of the most modern technology. Through the National Plan, the First Aid Departments will be strengthened in hospitals in all cities, the General Hospitals of Paphos and Limassol will be strengthened and the Department of Interventional / Neuro-invasive Radiology will be expanded. In addition, a Covid-19 unit will be set up at Famagusta Hospital.

  • Green projects

The proposed projects in the field of green transition and economy are expected to absorb €447.6m of European funds. More than 21 green investments have been included in the Cyprus Recovery Plan. Among them are:

- Sponsorship projects to promote energy efficiency investments in small and medium-sized enterprises, municipalities, communities and the wider public sector (€40 million).

- Sponsorship projects to promote RES and energy efficiency measures in housing, as well as tackling energy poverty in households with disabilities (€20.5 million).

In addition, projects were planned to reduce CO2 emissions in industries, businesses and organisations, the construction of new high-energy school buildings and the installation of grid-connected photovoltaic energy systems in water treatment plants and water pumping stations.

The designs include the installation and operation by the Distribution System Operator (DSO) of The Advanced Metering Infrastructure.

As "F" informs, around €100 million will be used to fund the project. will be invested in sustainable transport. The design is to replace the government fleet of vehicles with electric vehicles and install the necessary charging infrastructure.

In addition to the €70m of the €100m will be spent on smart and sustainable management of water resources, as well as €40 million on water resources. implementing projects relating to fire protection and the protection of the marine environment against oil pollution.

Strengthening the resilience of the economy

A further 20 projects, at a cost of €449.3 million, relating to the axis of strengthening the resilience and competitiveness of the economy were included in the Cypriot design. Among other things, there are planned:

- Creation of an isotopic identity of Cypriot food and drink, as well as the creation of a data display platform for their identification, aiming to provide reassurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the authenticity and quality of local and traditional food/drinks (€1m).

- Upgrading the skills of the existing rural community and professionalising the future workforce through investments in human capital (€0.1 million).

- €64 million will also be spent on the project. for the establishment and operation of a knowledge transfer office, the implementation of innovation funding programmes, and for the financing of research and innovation for the green transition. €137m will also be spent on the creation of an integrated information system for the Registrar of Companies and a digital upgrade of the court infrastructure will be implemented.

e- economy

In the field of the digital economy, projects totalling €89.4 million are planned. Upgrading the internal wiring of buildings to make them "Gigabit-ready" will be promoted, while connectivity (€10 million) will also be promoted.

It is also expected that underwater cables will connect Cyprus with Greece, for interconnection with the most important networks in the region and the digital transformation of the Central Government and Local Government, as well as the justice system.

Employment and social protection

Another €172.9m will be made available through the Employment, Education and Human Resources Recovery Plan. The following projects are promoted, inter alia:

» Establishment of multi-power centres for children, enhancing their availability and affordability (€15 million)

» Creation of residential structures for children, adolescents with behavioural disorders, people with disabilities and people in need of long-term care (€15.4 million).