Friday, May 14, 2021


 Filenews 14 May 2021

Due to domestic transmission and dispersion in the social environment observed during the tracing of cases, the Ministry of Health recalls that for the purposes of social activity and/or sport, access to parks and linear parks, beaches, squares, dams, excursion sites, marinas, zoos, parks and nature trails is permitted. It is clarified that the maximum number of aggregated persons is 10 persons per group, including minor children.

In addition, it should be noted that the maximum number of 10 persons in homes, including permanently resident and minors, remains in force.

In order to avoid the creation of chains of transmission of the virus, while maintaining the epidemiological picture at a manageable level, but also in order to provide greater security during social activities, citizens are encouraged to have as stable a social circle as possible and, taking into account the good weather conditions currently prevailing in Cyprus, to choose to socialize mainly outdoors. In cases of social activity in busy places where there are unknown persons, it is recommended that there be a negative result from a rapid antigen test with a power of 72 hours, within the framework of SafePass.