Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Filenews 27 April 2021

Questions about coronavirus vaccines and vaccinations in general were sent by the Ministry of Health.

1. Which vaccines have been authorised and are available for vaccination?

Covid-19 vaccines licensed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are: Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson.

2. How long does it take from the 1st and 2nd dose per vaccine?

• Pfizer/BioNTech: The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is given in two doses with a time difference of 3 weeks between them.

• AstraZeneca: The AstraZeneca vaccine is given in two doses with a time difference of 8 weeks between them.

• Moderna: The Moderna vaccine is given in two doses with a time difference of 28 days between them.

• Johnson&Johnson: Johnson&Johnson vaccine is given in one dose and anyone who receives it completes their vaccination regimen.

3. How can I confirm my appointment if I have not been sent a text message or the relevant certificate has not been sent to me?

In this case, citizens can contact call centre on 1474.

4. How else can I secure an appointment in addition to the procedure through the Vaccination Portal?

In addition to scheduling appointments through the Vaccination Portal, citizens can contact their Personal Physician and, if the doctor has expressed an interest in vaccinating beneficiaries aged 30 years and over in his office with an AstraZeneca vaccine, be vaccinated through the Physician's Staff at a day and time to be arranged by the doctor.

5. If I am not a registered or beneficiary of the GHS, how can I secure an appointment?

Citizens who are not registered with the GHS software or who are not beneficiaries of the GHS and wish to be vaccinated under the National Vaccination Plan for COVID-19 should submit to the Ministry of Health an appropriately completed Application Form for Citizens who are not registered with the GHS in the Vaccination Portal for COVID-19. The form must be submitted together with a copy of the Identity Card, the Foreign Registration Card or other Identification Document and a copy of the Nursing ID, in case it holds such. Documents can be sent to the Ministry of Health, electronically at: covidvac@moh.gov.cy, by post to the Ministry of Health at Prodromos 1 and Chilon 17, 1449, Nicosia or delivered by hand to the Nursing Identification Department, Ministry of Health, Prodromos 1 and Chilon 17, Nicosia.

6. Should my vaccination be postponed if I am a case of coronavirus or close contact with a case?

Yes, in both cases, vaccination should be postponed.

Citizens who have arranged an appointment and in the meantime have emerged either as close case contact or as a positive case, may request its rescheduling, in accordance with the procedure described in question 5.

7. Do I have to schedule my appointment when the Vaccination Portal opens, even if I am a case of coronavirus or close contact?

Yes, the citizen, regardless of whether he is positive for the virus or is in close contact, should arrange his appointment when the Vaccination Portal is available for his age group.

8. Then how can my appointment be rescheduled in case I am a case of coronavirus or close contact?

Initially, it is clarified that in case of reprogramming the citizen is given a new appointment at the same Vaccination Centre and for the same type of vaccine related to his initial appointment, in the shortest possible time.

In order to re-arrange the appointment, it is necessary to inform the Ministry of Health immediately. The citizen can either call the Call Centre on 1474, where he will be asked to give the details of the appointment and the reason for requesting the cancellation of his appointment, as well as possible rescheduling dates, or send an e-mail to the e-mail address director@mphs.moh.gov.cy stating the following details:

• Full name

• No. ID Card

• Date of birth

• Date and time of appointment

• If the reprogramming concerns the 1st or 2nd dose

• Vaccination Centre

• Type of vaccine

• No. Contact Phone

• Reason for requesting a change of appointment (e.g. case of coronavirus, close contact of case, etc.)

• When is reprogramming desirable?

Once the above information has been received by the Ministry of Health and verified, the rescheduling of the appointment will be promoted and the citizen will be informed. The citizen does not need to take any further action through the Vaccination Portal.

9. Can a citizen, if he does not wish to reschedule his appointment, claim a new appointment with another type of vaccine?

Yes, this can be done after cancelling the existing appointment by calling the 1474 hotline and then being able to claim a new appointment through the Vaccination Portal when it is available for the citizen's age group.

The Vaccination Portal is available daily for a different age group and citizens interested in vaccination should proceed to schedule their appointment as soon as possible so that they can be vaccinated quickly, protecting their health.

10. When is vaccination carried out following a covid-19 disease?

Vaccination shall be carried out within three (3) months after recovery and after at least 42 days have passed after recovery/seroegation in the diagnostic tests.

11. When is vaccination carried out in case contacts?

In cases of contact, vaccination may proceed after the end of the self-contained period. If contact develops into a positive case, vaccination shall be carried out within three (3) months after recovery and after at least 42 days have passed after recovery/seronegability in the diagnostic tests.

12. What is the protection rate after each dose per vaccine?

• Pfizer/BioNTech: offers 52% immunity seven days after the 1st dose, with the rate increasing to 89% after another week. According to Pfizer's latest data, seven days after the 2nd dose, efficacy reaches 91.3% against mild COVID-19 disease and 95.3% against severe.

• AstraZeneca: ensures 70% immunity three weeks from the 1st dose, while 15 days after the 2nd dose protection against COVID-19 of 76% to 94% is achieved and is 100% effective in preventing serious disease and hospitalization.

• Moderna: efficacy reaches 92% 14 days after the 1st dose, while 14 days from the 2nd dose, efficacy reaches 94.1%, while protection six (6) months after the 2nd dose amounts to 90% against mild COVID-19 disease and 95% for severe.

• Johnson&Johnson: protection begins after 14 days, while its effectiveness against the serious effects of COVID-19 disease, after 28 days, reaches 85%. After 49 days, the vaccine has been shown to almost completely prevent hospital admissions and the risk of death.

Source: eyenews