Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Filenews 27 April 2021

Summer is approaching and tourism is opening up. What risks does a plane trip pose and how can we protect ourselves?

Here's a Deutsche Welle Fact Check:

What do we know about the transmission of the virus to aircraft?

Unfortunately, there are no relevant scientific studies. Researchers agree, however, that passengers should wear masks and keep their distance.

Research by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention CDC shows how important it is not only to use a protective mask, but also to the ventilation system. Experts examined a long-delayed flight from Dubai to Auckland, in which four passengers were infected with a virus that infected one or two other passengers before boarding the aircraft. It should be noted that two of the four passengers were not wearing a mask during the flight. In addition, the aircraft's ventilation system was shut down for half an hour at a stopover in Malaysia, which may have favoured the transmission of the virus.

How effectively does the ventilation system combat transmission?

Thanks to the air conditioner, fresh air is flowing into the aircraft. The existing cabin air passes through High-Efficiency Participant Air-Filter (HEPA) filters, which hold up to 99.95% of the microparticles, decisively reducing the risk of transmission of the virus. Then the air from the outside and the existing purified air are mixed and passed into the cabin.

The amount of fresh air and the air renewal number of the cabin depends on the size and length of the aircraft. Unfortunately, there are no internationally recognised scientific studies on aircraft ventilation systems. Researchers, however, point out that systems cannot protect 100% from a transmission.

Can I drink and eat without fear?

Experts suggest not eating or drinking during flights: "But if necessary, then surrounding passengers should definitely wear a mask," says a Harvard University report on reducing the risks of COVID transmission to aircraft. "The longer we are on board without a mask, the greater the risk of infection," says German epidemiologist Timo Ulrichs.

Can I use the bathroom?

Experts naturally recommend the use of a mask in the toilet as well. They also warn against touching surfaces in the aircraft toilet, such as the sink battery and door knob. "The use of antiseptics is a good additional protection measure," Leonard Marcus, director of the Harvard University Public Health Initiative, tells DW.

How do I protect myself during the flight?

In the USA, Germany and other countries the use of a protective mask at airports and aircraft is mandatory. Leonard Marcus recommends using even two masks on the face to ensure that mouth and nose are covered.

The expert also suggests that passengers open the individual ventilation valve above their seat. An Oxford University study confirms that ventilation improves air quality and contributes to greater comfort during travel.

Do I still have to be careful and have I been vaccinated?

The U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention CDC estimates that, to ensure maximum protection for vaccinated people, they should have completed at least two weeks of the second dose of the vaccine before traveling. Epidemiologist Timo Ulrichs also recommends that vaccinated people abide by all applicable rules to protect themselves and their fellow human beings.

What else do I have to watch out for on the plane?

Travellers should be careful throughout the trip. That is, not only on board the aircraft, but also during the arrival at the airport, the check-in of hand luggage, the shops of the airport and generally where people gather. In addition, the World Health Organization recommends on its website that travellers on the occasion of the mutated strains of the virus monitor before carefully departing their health status for any symptoms.

Source: iefimerida.gr