Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Filenews 3 April 2021 -  by Angelos Nikolaou

With infrastructure projects and plans to boost entrepreneurship and create jobs, the government continues its comprehensive policy of developing mountain communities.

The new projects and policies aimed at exploiting mountain areas follow the new opportunities offered both in housing policy and in the granting of allowances to rural residents. At a press conference at the Presidential Palace, with the participation of the President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiades and the relevant ministers and other officials, the plans implemented in mountainous areas, in particular the projects implemented and planned in the Troodos communities, were presented.

Interior Minister Nikos Nouris pointed out that government policy on the countryside is neither one-thematic nor one-dimensional since it will be gradually extended to all mountain communities. And those of Larnaca, Paphos, Limassol, but also of Acritic Tellyria with studies starting in the next period.

Mr Nouris said the strategic aim is to create a new mountain economy. "The main objective is to revitalise and develop mountain communities in order to reverse their image of abandonment. We want to improve the quality of life of our people. We want to create prospects of containing the existing population, but also attracting new residents and young people, investors and visitors," he said.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment implements an investment plan to support the agricultural and livestock sector, while the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry implements the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Competitiveness Aid Plan. A plan to strengthen domestic tourism is also implemented by the Ministry of Tourism.

With an additional budget of €38 million, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will be a number of extremely important horizontal actions and policies are also being implemented, which aim to monitor and extend the implementation of the policies of the National Strategy.

In his speech, the Commissioner for the Development of Mountain Communities, Costas Hampiouris, spoke at length about the interventions being made to make the Troodos region an attractive place to live and operate, with a distinct local economy of high value, based on its heritage and in harmony with the natural environment.

He noted that actions concerning the innovative approach to agriculture, processing and the new model of mountain tourism product Troodos are already under way.

He said, among other things, that a bill is being prepared for the operation of the Multifunctional - Visiting Farm. It is a question of defining specific conditions and specifications for the development and operation of multifunctional - visited farms in order to strengthen agricultural activity, promote alternative forms of rural activity, create new jobs and develop cooperation networks with tourism and specific alternative forms of tourism.

83 projects in 2021 in 113 communities

Projects and actions with a total cost of €237 million implemented in the 113 communities of Troodos. In 2021 59 projects are being promoted and 24 have already been completed at a cost of €8m. Another 49 projects with a cost of €65m (€65m) will be completed by 2020. is already in the process of being implemented, with 10 more projects at a cost of €164 million. announced later this year.

€197 million | to improve accessibility and the main road network:

● Limassol - Polemidi - Palodia - Alessa - Saitta road.

● The Pelendri bypass road.

● The Astromeritis - Evrychos motorway.

● The Nicosia - Palechori motorway.

● The improvement of the road Fterikosdi - Alon - Lystykos - Chandria.

Infrastructure projects €14.4m to revitalise communities:

● the Multi-Thematic Area of Education and Entertainment in Agros.

● the Centre for Environmental Education of Koilaniou.

● the restoration of the Watermill in Platanistasa.

● the construction of the Multi-PowerEd Centre in Asc.

● the Troodos Star Observatory.

● the regeneration and landscaping of the core in Korakou.

● the paving of the main road in Gouri.

● the renovation of the community building for the creation of a community clinic in Kalopanagiotis.

€13 million health, education and social services:

In Troodos Hospital, a Pneumonological/ Tubercological Clinic is created, an upgrade of the Accident and Emergency Department, as well as the Primary Care Services. The operation of the ambulance fleet is extended to cover Evrychos, Kampos, Moniatis and Pedulas.

In the area of social supply, nursery stations are created in the communities of Kalopanagiotis, Pachnas, Agia Marina Xylyiatou, Palechori.

Operation of a Network of Open Homes for the promotion of areas with mild environmental history, while the projects for Education include the creation of optional all-day Primary Schools and Kindergarten, the establishment of a Culture Foundation for the Troodos region and the operation of Summer Schools.

For the protection of the environment and irrigation for which €9 million is allocated, the Commission will be responsible for the development of the environment.

● Expansion of irrigation work in Solia by modernising the systems and infrastructure of the Troodos Mountain Communities.

● Sorting system at source.

● Vegetation management measures in the Troodos State Forest.

● Extension and upgrading of existing sewage treatment plants in Agios Ioannis Pitsilias, Apliki and Asca.

● Upgrading of camping and excursion areas in mountain areas.

● Investment in infrastructure projects for the energy and morphological upgrading of facades and roofs as well as the installation of autonomous photovoltaic systems in local authority buildings, parking lots and public spaces €3.2m.

For the upgrade of the Fire and Police Stations, appropriations of €500,000 are available and relate to additions and alterations to the Police Stations of Kakopetria, Platres, Kampos, as well as strengthening the policing in the Marathasa Valley and maintenance and upgrading of the Fire Station of Pachna and the creation of a Fire Substation in Kyvides.

Allowances and home loans

Mrs Anthoula Savvides, Head of the Policy, European Affairs and Housing Policy Directorate of the Interior Ministry, explained that the allowance for remote and mountainous areas will be given per family. The mountain area allowance, she said, adds an amount depending on family members, whether they are retired or not. However, as far as the allowance for remote areas is concerned, she explained, it starts from €400 to €600, depending on the distance and is per family, provided that there is a non-retired person working in the family.

Annual allowance to support residents of remote areas

Applications for support allowances may be submitted by permanent residents in communities outside urban centres, as part of the projects and policies for the development of mountain areas presented on Friday at a press conference at the Presidential, with the participation of the President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiades and the relevant ministers and other officials.

In particular, applications for the grant scheme granting 105 communities a minimum annual allowance of €400 to permanent residents in them began yesterday and covered those within at least 40 kilometres of an urban centre, with the allowance increasing in scale depending on the distance, reaching up to €600 per family.

Also permanent residents of the 110 mountain communities with an altitude of more than 600m, are granted a support allowance for which applications can also be submitted from today.

In his speech at the press conference, the President of the Republic said that all planning for mountain areas has more than 300 actions, with a implementation horizon by the end of 2030 and a total budget of €400 million.

To date, he added, 24 projects worth €8m, 49 projects with a budget of €65m have been completed in the 113 Troodos communities. are under way, while for 10 projects amounting to €165 million the project will be tenders are expected to be submitted by the end of the year at the latest.

At the same time, horizontal policies and plans are being implemented to support mountain and less-favoured areas, as well as the countryside more widely, amounting to €70 million, President Anastasiades said.

He also said major road projects have been launched that will significantly improve the connectivity of large urban centres with the countryside and especially mountain communities.

President Anastasiades stressed that the strategy for the development of mountain areas does not remain static, but is constantly being enriched by new programmes and actions, such as the new integrated housing plan and the provision of urban incentives for mountain areas, which were presented on 17 February this year.

With housing planning and urban incentives we are reversing the population deforestation of mountain communities, enhancing their development prospects. Up to 386 communities will benefit, about 70% of all communities in free areas, he said.

He also said that the so-called Troodos policy statement is expected to be presented soon, through which specific spatial and urban planning will be defined in order to give other dimensions to the way mountain communities are developed.

Also, in 2021 the "National Mountain Community Development Strategy" will be extended to the Provinces of Paphos and Larnaca, he noted, adding that the draft strategy for Troodos is a pilot project.

If you announce or even execute projects without passable, without a modern road network, it is as if you have not offered anything, the President added, stressing that "that is why we have emphasized projects concerning the road connection of mountain communities with urban centers that for decades remained simple requests of communities".

They relate, he said, to projects totalling €280m. and which were constant and timeless demands of rural and mountain dwellers. A special reference was made to the Limassol – Saita road, the Paphos – Chrysochous City motorways, for which contracts will be signed within the next week, Nicosia – Palechori and Astromeritis – Evrychos which will be announced later this year and the relevant contracts for the immediate execution of the projects are expected to be signed.

At the same time, he said, we attach particular importance to the access of all citizens to quality health, education and social care services, to the promotion of the rich cultural background of mountain communities and to the strengthening of productive sectors, such as agri-farming, tourism, agrotourism, the registration of local products and others, thus creating the necessary infrastructure so that the inhabitants of the communities do not simply reside in the communities , but also to work creating jobs.

The whole strategy involves not only the Ministry of the Interior and the Commissioner for Mountain Communities, but all ministers because the actions extend, since they concern agrotourism, the creation of agricultural training schools, policing, social welfare or other incentives to encourage the implementation of social and wider policy involving all ministries.