Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Filenews 27 April 2021

Response to today's announcement by the Cyprus Society of Pathology, which considers that it is not possible for a clinic, under the present circumstances, to function as a vaccination center and at the same time offer high quality medical services to all patients, gave the Ministry of Health. The Ministry expects the Personal Physicians, in the spirit of cooperation they have shown so far, to do their duty, helping the State in this effort, in the interest of all citizens.

This is followed by the announcement of the Ministry of Health:

Following today's announcement by the Cyprus Society of Pathology, which is mentioned in the recent recommendation of the Ministry of Health for the contribution of Personal Physicians to the effort to vaccinate a larger percentage of the population, the Ministry of Health wishes to clarify the following:

  • According to the contract they maintain with the Health Insurance Agency and the remuneration they receive, Personal Physicians (Children or Adults) administer to their beneficiaries the vaccines included in the National Vaccination Scheme, such as Influenza A vaccines or children's vaccines, etc. Therefore, with the necessary know-how, they must also maintain the infrastructure for vaccination in their dispensaries.

  • In this case, and because COVID-19 vaccines are not included in the National Vaccination Scheme, the Ministry of Health will compensate the doctors participating with the amount of  €10 per beneficiary to be vaccinated in their clinics .

  • Under no circumstances is this proposal intended to turn dispensaries into Vaccination Centres, let alone to jeopardise the safety of patients. In the midst of a pandemic and since it is mutually accepted that vaccinations must proceed quickly, the aim is to give citizens different options and to serve them as soon as possible.

  • The Ministry of Health has never claimed that the participation of Personal Physicians in the procedure is mandatory and does not aim to abolish the operation of dispensaries. Participation is voluntary and aims to better and faster serve their beneficiaries.

At the critical point we are at in terms of managing the pandemic, everyone, from any position, should contribute to the country's exit from the difficult conditions and the gradual restart of society and the economy.

It is expected that the Personal Physicians, in the spirit of cooperation they have shown so far, will do their duty, helping the State in this effort, in the interest of all citizens.

Source: eyenews