Friday, April 9, 2021


 Filenews 9 April 2021

Home vaccinations for COVID-19 bedridden people are completed, says a Ministry of Health statement noting that the vaccination programme is continuing at an intensive pace.

One of its main objectives is the vaccination of vulnerable groups of the population, which has already been achieved since after the completion of vaccination of nursing home tenants, people over 80 years of age over 80% are at an advanced stage the completion of the first dose of vaccination of patients who are bedridden and at home. 571 people have been vaccinated so far.

The whole effort, the communication says, began on 3 March 2021 and the interest expressed exceeded all expectations. For the whole effort worked 12 mobile units with 23 specialized nurses of Community Nursing of the public/OKY, covering urban and rural areas of Cyprus.

Patients who are registered as registered as registered in the General Health System Information System (medical profile of a beneficiary) were entitled to apply for home vaccinations, in accordance with the definition in force under the GHS.

Vaccination against Covid-19 is the way to return to more normal conditions sooner, the Ministry of Health points out. "Our lives are in our hands. For many of our fellow human beings, every day and every hour and any suspicion of postponing vaccinations of people, especially in need, involves a risk to their own lives," the statement concludes.

Source: eyenews/CYPE