Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Filenews 10 March 2021 - byMichalis Hatzivasilis 

By the end of May it is estimated that the first cameras will be hung on Traffic lights and the first four mobiles will start operating during the implementation of the pilot phase, with the procedures running on several levels.

More than thirteen years after the operation of the first photo-highlighting system, preparations for the second system are daily and it is estimated that everything will be on time to get into operation, ending a barren period of discussions and overturns. However, it seems that not everything will be rosy since, according to persons who know things and situations, among other things there are two "stacks" that may stand in the way of the smooth functioning of the whole system. However, the will to work properly this time the system exists, however, it is generally accepted that there are also objective difficulties.

From an investigation by "F", the two "stacks" concern the issue of the surrender of extrajudicial fines and the timely registration of cases. It is estimated that many will do what happened with the first system or even to a lesser extent later, i.e. deliberately refuse to receive the out-of-court proceedings. The second issue concerns the Law on the limitation of an offence, since it is estimated that in several cases the procedures for identifying an offender and the surrender of the out-of-court person will take time and in the end if it is not possible to register a case with the Court within 12 months of the commission of the offence, this will be barred. For all the problems that may arise, the Traffic Department has informed those responsible so that they are aware of them, while a bill is already pending in the House providing for the procedure for the service of extrajudicial officers. As the director of Traffic, Giannakis Georgiou, told "F", in accordance with the procedure to be established, as soon as a camera denounces a driver for misusing, the contractor will ask the Traffic Police for his details. Once given, the company will then contaact the Post Office so that a note can be sent to the affected person who will receive a registered letter. If he does not respond, then he will be sent a second registered letter again and if he still does not respond, then the company will send a private contractor to the address he owns. This whole process, as Mr Georgiou explained, must take place within 90 days. If the third attempt fails, then the contractor will ask the police to make an effort to locate him.

The question that arises is whether some deliberately "hide" and refuse to receive the out-of-court or do not show up to the police. Then the contractor will fill thousands of unpaid out-of-court proceedings that cannot be served. There will also be a problem when affected drivers who receive their out-of-court services refuse to pay for them. Then the Courts will be "choked" with photo-pointed cases and will take years to hear.

With regard to the question of limitation, things are clearer: According to the legislation applicable to other offences, if from the day on which the offence is committed and up to one year it is not possible to register a case with the Court of Justice, then the offence is barred. Which means that if the offender who was reported by a camera is not identified, he will not be prosecuted in the Court of Justice.

According to our information, the company will be housed in the offices of a security company for the purposes of protecting the data that will have its systems, while there will be co-located the Traffic Photo-labelling Branch that will process sensitive personal data of citizens.

It is noted that the contract with the US-based contractor Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. and the Electromechanical Service, was signed on 14/12/2020. The project concerns the study, installation, operation and maintenance of the Photo-pointing system on a pancyprian basis and includes ninety (90) fixed cameras in thirty (30) locations and twenty (20) mobile cameras. It is noted that this photo-marking system, in addition to recording the excess at the speed limit, will process and record additional violations of the road traffic code, including non-use of the safety belt, non-use of helmets by motorcyclists, use of a mobile phone, non-compliance with the traffic light when the colour is red and breach of the waiting line in traffic lights.

In three phases the installation

The project will be implemented in three phases as follows:

• The pilot phase, which is expected to be completed within 6 months of the signing of the contract, involves the operation of four mobile cameras and the installation and operation of four fixed cameras in one location. In addition, the centre for the collection and processing of infringements will be set up and operated where notifications/calls will begin to be issued which will be sent to the offenders. This phase will be piloted for 3 months.

• The first phase to be completed within 6 months of the completion of the pilot phase, i.e. 15 months from December, will include the operation of a further 16 mobile cameras and the installation and operation of a further 20 fixed cameras in a further six locations.

• The second phase, which will be completed within one year of the completion of the first phase, involves the installation of additional 66 fixed cameras (90 in total) in a further 23 locations. The infringement collection and processing centre will have the full operational capacity required to provide the necessary services satisfactorily.

It is recalled that the amount of the contract is estimated at €34,076,970.00 plus VAT.