Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Filenews 10 March 2021 - by Angelos Nikolaou

The possibility for the Minister of Agriculture to issue decrees on a temporary derogation from the competition rules, so that unspent agricultural and livestock products of domestic production can be channelled to essential public services, such as the National Guard, hospitals, educational institutions, etc., provides a proposal for a law that was discussed yesterday in the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture.

DIKO MP Pavlos Mylonas said that due to the restrictive measures taken to limit the spread of the pandemic (closed hotels, restaurants and others), demand has decreased dramatically, with the result that products are left unsold and small agri-food units in the agri-food sector are at risk.

The proposal for a law was supported by all the rural organisations that attended the meeting, as well as the members of the Committee on Agriculture, as well as the Ministries of Education and Health. However, reservations were expressed as to its compatibility with the Internal Competition Rules of the European Union.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture told the Commission that the ministry supports any proposal that improves the disposal of agricultural production and the incomes of Cypriot farmers, which can be implemented and implemented within Community legislation.

The chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, Andros Kaukalias, said that the proposal for a law is certainly moving in the right direction. He added that immediate decisions should be taken within the agreement setting out the framework for the supply of products to essential services and similar arrangements should be made to operate in favour of producers.

Mr. Kaukalias asked the Ministry of Agriculture to take coordinated actions by all relevant departments for suggestions concerning the improvement of the consumption of agricultural products by institutions and services such as hospitals, army, prisons, schools and others.

The Commission will continue to examine the matter within 15 days in the presence of the minister responsible.