Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Filenews 11 March 2021

25.7% of the British strain of SARS-CoV-2 virus is detected in the Community of Cyprus. According to the specialized tests carried out on positive samples sent to the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), it appears that the new most contagious mutation of the virus exists in the community, causing a large spread of the disease and an increase in cases and hospitalizations.

In particular, the ECDC informed that the British strain was detected in 56 cases from an additional 208 positive samples in which sequencing was successfully carried out. In total, ECDC has so far completed sequencing for 338 samples and the British strain has been identified in a total of 87 cases, i.e. 25.7%. These are positive examples of the January-February period.

As reported in an ECDC report, the British strain is more than 50% more contagious, affects younger people and leads to an increase in hospital admissions.

As the data show, the above characteristics of the British mutation are also observed in Cyprus, since the introductions to hospitals in the last 10days mainly concern healthy younger people, who develop respiratory problems. Typically 70% of the hospitalized are from Limassol Province,where there is a greater epidemiological burden.

The only weapon for protecting our health is to observe the basic measures of distancing, personal hygiene and reducing social contacts. Along with increasing vaccination coverage of the population, proper mask use and careful socialization can save our lives and lead to a safe gradual return to normality and contribute to a faster restart in the coming period.

Source: eyenews