Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Filenews 11 March 2021

The aim is to place photovoltaic systems in all schools in Cyprus, so that the schools can contribute to tackling the big problem of climate change, said the Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth Prodromos Prodromos, while the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Natasha Pelidou, expressed the hope that "the installation of photovoltaics will go ahead in all schools.

In statements following a visit, together with the Minister of Energy, to the Primary School of Athens, where a photovoltaic system was installed following the government's decision to install photovoltaics in schools, the Minister of Education, Prodromos Prodromos said that "in schools there is teaching and we cultivate environmental awareness, passing and in practice".

He added that his visit to the Primary School of Athens was made to see and present "the first of the 405 projects, school buildings in which photovoltaics are installed, the special measurement systems and the insulations that accompany them. In this way schools will become self-sufficient in energy, to a large extent, they will produce energy from alternative sources, green energy." He noted that "this is the best lesson we can teach children attending schools."

The Minister thanked the Electricity Authority of Cyprus, since as he explained "it is in cooperation with EAC that we install photovoltaics in 405 school buildings. This project will be completed in about a year and these 405 buildings are to be added to 114 school buildings, which already have photovoltaics, installed by the Technical Services of the Ministry as part of earthquake upgrade work".

Mr. Prodromos described the project as "groundbreaking, which gives the stigma of green energy, the ability of the school to contribute to addressing this great problem of climate change, but more generally also to the energy self-sufficiency of our country".

At the same time he congratulated both the EAC and the Primary School and the Mayor of Athienou because as he said "it is really important" that what is the first school completed in the design of the Ministry is located in Athienou.

In response to a question, the Minister of Education replied that "virtually all schools will produce green energy and the aim is to cover the whole map of school buildings" which will essentially produce the energy they consume.

For her part, Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Natasha Pelidou said that "the future of Cyprus and Europe and we hope the planet is green", expressing her satisfaction that "we are all moving in this direction together. Today we are in the first school participating in the program, through which photovoltaics will be installed in 405 schools".

He added that the Primary School of Athens "is a very innovative building in many other areas, which saves energy in several ways. Raising students' awareness is something very important that can be done not only through lessons, but also through the environment in which children find themselves."

Mrs Pelidou also noted that "the impetus is given through this initiative and to all of us, as citizens, to move forward for our households in the installation of either photovoltaics or energy upgrading. The relevant sponsorship plan of the Ministry of Energy was announced from 9 March and with a very simple automated procedure, one can be contacted".

Together, he continued "we will contribute to the energy upgrading of our buildings, to energy saving, to the use of renewable sources", thanked EAC "for the very quick and immediate response to this quite ambitious project" and expressed the hope that "the installation of photovoltaics in all schools will proceed as quickly as it proceeded in Athens".

Moreover, Michalis Komodromos Chairman of the Board of Directors of EAC, said that "the installation of photovoltaics in 405 schools is an important step for the energy sustainable future of our country. EAC with its experience and know-how has the power to ensure the success of this large project, which includes installation of photovoltaic systems on the ceilings of power of about 4.8 megawatts, thermal insulation and wet insulation on surfaces of about 120 thousand square meters".

In response to a question, Mr. Komodromos said that the "project is funded by EAC and has a budget of around 9 million". The Ministry will gradually repay the EAC over a period of 20 years, while the energy collected when the schools are not up and running will be purchased by EAC and channelled into the network.

Finally, the Mayor of Athienou Kyriakos Kareklas expressed satisfaction because as he explained "the government even symbolically started this project from the Acritic Athienou". The government constantly supports us in the needs we have and we warmly thank it and noted that "today two Government Ministers are in a project that contributes to climate change and green energy".

He added that the Municipality is taking various "actions in this direction and we are really pleased that our school will contribute to this effort, which for the whole of Cyprus, started from Athienou".

Source: eyenews/CYPE