Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Filenews 14 January 2021

After several "autumn" days, at last... "smelled" winter.

Troodos was dressed in white as heavy snowfall began to occur, with the scenery in the mountains giving enchanting images.

Video: kitasweather

According to the weather report, the same climatic conditions are expected to remain in the coming days.

Analysis of the weather report:

Today the weather will be mostly cloudy and local rains and isolated storms are expected from time to time. In the higher mountains it's likely to snow. Winds will blow southwest to northwest, moderate to strong 4 to 5 beaufort and transiently to the winds, up to very strong 6 beaufort. The sea will be in the east a little turbulent, in the south troubled but in the west and north it will be undulating. The temperature will rise to 16 degrees inland, around 18 degrees on the coast and 6 degrees in the higher mountains.

In the evening the weather will be partly cloudy and initially isolated rains may fall. Winds will blow west to northwest, moderate to strong 4 to 5 beaufort but transiently to the coast, up to very strong 6 beaufort. The sea will be in the east turbulent, in the south troubled and in the west and north undulating. The temperature will drop to 7 degrees inland, around 11 on the south and east coasts, around 14 on the west and north coasts and 1 degree on the higher mountains, where frost will form locally.

On Friday the weather will be mostly cloudy and isolated rains are expected from time to time, while in the evening rains, local storms and snow are expected in the higher mountains.

On Saturday the weather will be intermittently cloudy and local rains, isolated storms and snow are initially expected in the higher mountains, but gradually the weather will improve.

On Sunday the weather will be mostly cloudy and from the dawn hours local rains, isolated storms and snow are expected in the higher mountains, but gradually the weather will improve.

The temperature will be at the same levels over the weekend, which are close to climate averages.

Source: eyenews