Sunday, December 6, 2020


 Filenews 6 December 2020 - by Dora Chrisodoulou

Following the new tragedy on coral bay promenade, in which a 36-year-old pedestrian lost his life being swept away by a car due to the absence of lighting and pavements, the local authorities of the area through which the avenue passes again urgently raise the issue of improving this road, in which fatal events have been almost every year for years.

The Mayor of Pegia, Marinos Lambrou, stressed to "F" that improving this road based on modern standards for the safe movement of pedestrians and motorists is a top priority for the municipal authority, which has submitted the relevant plans to the relevant state departments as one of its main projects for 2021, in the section concerning municipal boundaries.

For his part, the community leader of Kisonerga, Giorgos Stylianou, spoke of a primary importance for the entire western Paphos road axis, which nevertheless presents unacceptable deficiencies that have led to continuous fatal and other serious incidents in recent years.

"There needs to be an urgent widening of the road and improved visibility and pedestrian traffic," he stressed. "The Community Council of Kisonerga has sent a letter to the Department of Public Works requesting the urgent construction of a pedestrian street on the outside of the railing, on the sea side. It is an opportunity now, with the improvement works carried out to protect the coastal front, to start the construction of a small pedestrian street through which people can pass safely".

The communautaire of Chlorakas Nikolas Liasidis tells "F" that despite the importance of this road axis and its continuous dense traffic, its safety is zero. It is, he stressed, a road without sidewalks, without lighting and without crossings that in addition every winter presents serious issues with the entrance of the sea to its points. After Friday's new tragedy, its reconstruction cannot be delayed any longer."