Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 Filenews 2 December 2020 - by Michalis Hatzivasilis

The guards of political leaders and former state officials are reduced by about a quarter following a decision by the Minister of Justice, Emily Yolitis, and after the police's risk reassessment of those with a guard.

"F" information indicates that 21 of the 97 police drivers of political leaders and former officials are removed. The main conclusion, however, drawn from the risk assessment carried out by a competent Committee at the Police Headquarters, is that today in fact no political leader or former state official is at any real risk except for a few exceptions. The Police Risk Assessment Committee made recommendations to the Chief of the Corps, who in turn sent a letter to the Minister of Justice proposing to reduce guards, taking into account both the risk at stake and the assessment enjoyed by each former state official.

Half of the police officers are removed from the president of the DISY and half of the police officers are removed from their current eight. All other party leaders with four or three police officers will be reduced. Former President George Vassiliou removes one police officer and stays with two (he had three but one has left and will not be replaced) by former Speaker of the House Vasos Lyssaridis also removes one police officer from the three he will have, while one police officer remains for former first lady Mimi Kyprianou. In addition, former Speaker of the House Dimitris Syllouris will continue to have the two police officers assigned to him after his resignation, provided that he received threats after his involvement with the Al Jazeera video.

These police recommendations will be led tomorrow with a proposal from the Minister of Justice to the Council of Ministers, aiming at those police officers who are saved being channeled into the control of old Nicosia and other tasks.

Ms. Yolitis wishes to have a citizen's station in the area of Ledra Street soon in accordance with the model of the station that will soon operate on Independence Street in Limassol, so that the police officers who will staff him can control the old Nicosia with foot patrols. It is noted that the 97 police officers currently serving in the guards of political persons cost the state around one million euros, while another 50 police officers are responsible for guarding embassies and other foreign interests in Cyprus.