Thursday, December 24, 2020


 Filenews 24 December 2020 - by Petros Theoharidis

Existing traffic monitoring systems on roads that are often densely traffic and on motorways will be significantly strengthened, both in number and in cutting-edge technological capabilities.

The Ministry of Transport is procurement and installation of high-tech equipment, mainly cameras and sensors, to get a vivid picture of the long-distance road network of Cyprus and the city of Nicosia, which includes, among other things, eleven traffic detection units, sixteen internet-connected cameras that will be installed on the motorway network and another five on the capital's road network. Smart signs will also be placed on the roads that will directly transmit various visual messages to passing drivers and three more signs - all in Lakatamia - that will facilitate special persons with mobility problems.

In particular, the eleven traffic detection units will be installed on the nicosia urban road network in order to record real-time traffic levels in both directions of traffic.

Sixteen (IP CCTV) cameras will be installed on the motorway network and five more such cameras are planned for Nicosia's main urban road network for traffic monitoring. Please note that these cameras are not related to the photo-stamping system, but the information they transmit will relate to the traffic situation.

The four electronic variable message signs will be installed mainly at the entrance to the city of Nicosia and the three special reading devices operated via bluetooth technology will be installed in the area of the municipality of Lakatamia and integrated into the National Mobility Platform.

The new systems are estimated to cost more than half a million euros and will be co-financed almost entirely by European projects.

It should be noted that the design of the information infrastructures of the National Mobility Plan is carried out in cooperation with the University of Cyprus so that the infrastructures are such that they are constantly accepted and new systems without problems of expansion and compatibility, with the possibility of backup monitoring centers etc.

Also, as part of the EU-funded Step2 Smart action, eight permanent traffic detection units will be installed in the Nicosia urban area, as well as five more CCTV cameras within the city.

The existing systems of SWARCO MIZAR (MISTIC, VMS Module, Parking Module, etc.) will also be upgraded, remote access will be provided for the viewing of mobility data and event management, in order to effectively create a single traffic management system.

All available data relate to traffic, parking, air quality, positioning system data and other relevant data transmitted by buses and government vehicles, will be collected and processed essentially in real time, so that all information leading to correct regulations and decisions is available.

The existing system of the Department of Public Works ( will be upgraded, providing real-time information related to traffic data and incidents on the road network, while it will also be "open source" in order to develop applications and make use of the data by stakeholders. Control Center will also be upgraded.

With a 3D laser, they'll check the quality of the highways.

With a mobile vehicle with state-of-the-art technology and specific 3D laser systems, the Ministry of Transport will check the quality and condition of asphalt on motorways in the near future.

In particular, procedures have been initiated through the Public Works Department to ensure a "multi-purpose system for road inspection, which will include an appropriate van-type vehicle and equipment to carry out the measurement of the condition of the road surface, as well as its operational support and maintenance for five years, at an estimated cost of €1.2 million. part of which will be paid by the EU through co-financing.

Signatures with the selected contractor are expected to fall in May – June and through the new mobile system motorway quality checks will start around March – April 2022.

Among other things, the van will include systems with cutting-edge technologies, such as a 3D laser system to measure the transverse smoothness of the road surface, a three-dimensional laser system for assessing the road surface, equipment for measuring the longitudinal smoothness of pavements, equipment for measuring road geometry, etc.

Two intersections with "smart" traffic lights

The network of the existing 23 checkpoints installed for the SCOOT system will be upgraded – with a separate contract – and a bus priority system will be implemented for a traffic-signalling intersection on Makarios Avenue and Griva Digenis. "Smart lights" that give green depending on traffic will be placed at two intersections on secondary roads.

Smart electronic signs informing drivers of the situation on the road and emergencies will be placed on the motorway at the Nicosia exit in an area between Alhambra - Agia Varvara, heading towards Nicosia, in the area of Lympia heading towards Nicosia and at a point about one kilometre before the GSP junction towards Nicosia.

The cameras will be installed at various points on motorways and in Nicosia near intersections to monitor traffic on the main roads.

Please note that there are currently 32 traffic detection units in Operation in Nicosia and 11 traffic and weight detection units on motorways. Speed detection sensors that send data every five minutes have also been installed at 56 locations in Nicosia and on motorways. In Nicosia there are also 5 closed circuit cameras at large intersections that transmit live image to the Department of Public Works.