Friday, November 27, 2020


 Filenews 26 November 2020

The Plenary of the House voted unanimously in favour of the establishment of a procedure for the prevention and treatment of the phenomena of intra-school violence and school bullying, following a proposal for a law by The Members Kyriakos Hatzigiannis on behalf of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Alarm and Pavlos Mylonas on behalf of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party. 36 Members voted in favour.

The law provides, inter alia, for the establishment by each school of health education and prevention of intra-school violence at the beginning of the school year with the aim of preventing and addressing intra-school violence and the preparation of an action plan by the above committee for the definition, planning and implementation of the actions of each school to prevent and address intra-school violence on the basis of a national standard.

Also the establishment by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth of a Safe School Group with the aim of implementing the policy for the prevention and treatment of intra-school violence.

Further development of a national standard by the Cyprus Standardisation Organisation in cooperation with the Safe School Group, setting out the conditions for the implementation of a management system to combat intra-school violence, including all necessary administrative and pedagogical measures to protect every member of the school community from any form of intra-school violence.

Also the establishment by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth of the Safe School Coordinating Committee, which will be responsible for supervising the coordination and monitoring of the degree of implementation of all relevant actions of the Ministry.

Further recommendation by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth of the National Advisory Committee on Intra-School Violence Issues, which will provide counselling and scientific guidance to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth to determine the appropriate policy for prevention, intervention and general treatment of intra-school violence.

Source: eyenews/KYPE