Friday, November 27, 2020


 Filenews 27 November 2020

The House passed laws extending the validity of leisure centre permits for three years from the date of their issuance.

The relevant proposals for a law were submitted by the members of the DISY Andreas Kyprianou and Kyriakos Hatzigiannis. 37 Members voted in favour and there were two abstentions.

Mr Kyprianou said these proposals reduce red tape and inconvenience for thousands of leisure centre owners who once they have secured their licence start proceedings again for next year. This, he added, would give the relevant state agencies more time to carry out the necessary checks, which is not happening now.

Mr. Hatzigiannis said that the proposals are intended to free the owners from the bureaucracy that ran for things absurd and unnecessary and often the local authorities were unable to respond.

DIKO MP Costas Costas noted that it is impossible for thousands of premises to be checked every year and said that the relevant services are also positive in the proposals for a law.

DIKO MP Panikos Leonidou expressed the party's agreement with the aims of the law proposals and noted that in the midst of a pandemic the first to be affected are these companies.

Solidarity MP Michalis Giorgilas called for similar proposals to be multiplied to help facilitate business activity and not to suffer in endless bureaucracy

Democratic Forces Platform MP Angelos Votsis congratulated the rapporteurs while saying that amid a pandemic, leisure centre owners need more than this legislation.

Source: eyenews