Friday, November 27, 2020


 Filenews 27 November 2020 - by Petros Theoharidis

Order but also strict control of all required parameters and procedures, from registration applications to inspections is put by the Cyprus Sports Organization, through a demanding digital system it develops.

The digital system will operate with strict safety standards and will manage the CMO registers, which concern private fitness schools, as well as trainers and trainers.

The new system will at the same time simplify the application process of private schools, trainers and trainers for registration in the CMO registers as well as simplify the process of renewing the authorisation of schools.

Natural and legal persons who want to apply for classification in the CMO registers will be able to do so using an internet browser. In addition, the new system will provide the necessary opportunities for Agency officials to monitor the progress of an application, manage it and promote it until its final approval.

At the same time, the management of the indictments will be automated, i.e. the process of taking legal action in those private gyms (registered and non-registered) that violate the provisions of the law.

Also, through digital programming and control, the management of inspections of private gyms, building facilities and school staff will also be regulated.

The CMO has already issued a tender notice for the creation of the software, application and safeguarding of cloud computing, with the total cost estimated at €80,000.

The modern digital system is expected to include 2,500 registered private schools, as well as 500 new enrolments a year and 2,000 instructors.

In addition, the public swimming pool licence, health certificate and sports instrument safety certificates will be registered for swimming pools.

The new cmo digital system will include all forms of gyms, training areas and sports, including those included in hotel units and other similar facilities. Martial arts schools, football courts, tennis courts, diving schools, summer schools, dance schools, zumba, yoga, rehabilitation centers, physiotherapists, gymnastics, weightlifting, table tennis, horse riding, fencing, even skiing, are included in the long list that will be included under the CMO's digital microscope.

Inspections will be digitally managed through the programme and implementation for school control and supervision purposes. The system should allow the monitoring of visits and other ways of communicating with private fitness schools as well as with trainers and trainers.