Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Cyprus Mail 5 August 2020 - by Staff Reporter

The health ministry on Wednesday issued instructions for measures to be taken at hospitals to curb the spread of Covid-19.

At the entrances of the hospitals there must be a register of patients, visitors who must record who they are there to see, doctor or patient. Everyone must also have a temperature check at the entrance. Visitors and patients must also wear a mask and use sanitiser at the entrance. Antiseptics should also be provided at all entrances, near elevators and bathrooms.

Visits should be limited to what is strictly necessary and in limited numbers that should be monitored to avoid overcrowding. Patients should only enter by appointment or with special permission from hospital management. Hospitals are urged to display the necessary contact numbers.

Once inside, visitors should be screened further for possible coronavirus symptoms of upper respiratory tract. In case they report any symptoms such as sneezing or coughing they will not be allowed to enter further into the facility.

“The process of selecting visitors must be very meticulous,” the health ministry said, especially if people are there to visit immunocompromised inpatients.

If it is necessary to stay with patients during their hospitalisation such as in the case of minor children personal hygiene and social distancing need to be strictly observed. Companions of inpatients should remain in the ward.

Staff must wear personal protective equipment at all times.

The safety precautions should be posted at all entrances and reception areas.

All details:   [English version not yet posted]