Monday, June 15, 2020


in-cyprus 15 June 2020 -ByBouli Hadjioannou

Another two people have tested positive for coronavirus after 622 tests bringing the total to 985, the Health Ministry said on Monday.
One is from 143 test results from repatriations and the second from 153 tests from private initiative.
The first case is a Bulgarian permanent resident who flew to Cyprus from Sofia yesterday and all protocols to trace the individual’s contacts have been activated.  The second is a crew member of a ship who was due, with other members of the ship’s crew, to travel to neighbouring country for professional reasons and all underwent Covid-19 tests.

In addition, the following tests were carried out, all with negative results:
  • Four tests from tracing of already confirmed cases
  • 130 tests from hospital labs
  • 192 from referrals from personal doctors and checks of special groups through the public health medical centres
The small number of tests is due to that fewer samples are taken over the weekend and the fact that some of the testing programmes are close to finishing.
The ministry added that there are currently two coronavirus patients at the referral hospital. Another two patients are in the ICU of Nicosia General Hospital, one of them intubated. The other is not on the ventilator.