Tuesday, June 16, 2020


in-cyprus 16 June 2020 -ByBouli Hadjioannou

Cyprus government spending on cultural services in 2018 was the second lowest in EU 27 after Greece, accounting for only 0.5% of the spending, according to figures issued by Eurostat on Tuesday.
The EU’s statistical office said that in 2018, 1.0 % of general government expenditure across the EU was allocated to cultural services (not including broadcasting and publishing services). This share has remained relatively stable over time, accounting for 1.0% of general government expenses each year from 2013 to 2018.

However, there are considerable differences between the EU Member States.
In 2018, Latvia recorded the largest share of cultural services in the general government expenditure (2.8%), followed by Hungary (2.7%) and Estonia (2.4%).
The lowest share was recorded in Greece (0.3%), with the shares in Cyprus (0.5%), Italy and Portugal (both 0.6%) slightly higher.
There were generally relatively small changes reported in a majority of the EU Member States between 2013 and 2018. The main exception was Hungary, where the share of cultural services in general government expenditure almost doubled from 1.5% to 2.7%.

Source data: gov_10a_exp