Thursday, May 21, 2020


Cyprus Mail 21 May 2020 -by Bejay Browne

‘Frenzied’ preparations are underway in Paphos to return life to a more ‘normal rhythm’, according to the local tourism board, who said the coastal town will remain the top choice for domestic tourism this year.
“Following faithfully the decrees and various protocols of the competent ministry, a number of hotels, tourist and catering companies, municipal beaches, similar infrastructure and services are being prepared for the resumption of their operation over the coming days,” a Paphos tourism board spokesman said on Wednesday.

Paphos looks set to be the top choice for Cyprus residents holidaying at home this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Paphos is expected to continue this year to be the first choice for permanent residents of Cyprus, especially during the current summer season and throughout the year, for mini weekend excursions and longer holidays.”
Hotels and airports in Cyprus are expected to open on June 9 though a more definite decision is expected on Friday.
Some hoteliers in Cyprus are pushing for the British market to be included in any plans with stipulations in place for quick testing on passengers at the departure airport .
“We are anxiously awaiting in the coming days the travel instructions and announcements of airlines and travel organisers so that the picture of what is to come will become even clearer. We remain optimistic and are now working to get back to normal as soon as possible,” he said.
Cyprus will be ready to reopen its doors to tourists from June 15 once the protocols for tourism are implemented. Traditionally, Cyprus’ main markets are the UK and Russia, but Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Israel, Norway and Denmark, look set to be in the running.
Cyprus hopes to claw back around 30 per cent of last year’s arrival numbers.
Around 4 million tourists visited the island in 2019, creating a revenue of around €2.6 billion.
At least one million tourists are being eyed for this year, bringing in around €800 million by the end of the year.
“Definitely the best this year is to attract as many locals and incoming visitors as possible, while the focus remains on being able to extend by two months the next summer season, ie in March and November,” the spokesman said.