Friday, May 22, 2020


in-cyprus 22 May 2020 -ByBouli Hadjioannou

With organised beaches set to open tomorrow, the Health Ministry on Friday published its protocol with the new rules.
1. Staff
Personnel offering services at the beach must be trained on how coronavirus spreads and be able to recognise the symptoms so as to be able to ask for medical help and minimise the risk of infecting the public and other employees.  Employees who have symptoms should not go to work. Other advice includes avoiding touching mouth, nose and eyes, using a tissue — which must be thrown away — if coughing or sneezing. If there is no tissue available, cover the nose and mouth with the inside of the elbow and then disinfect. Employees should wear a mask if they come into close contact with the public.

  1. Arrangement of equipment and activities on the beach
There must be a four-metre space between the axis of umbrellas and at least one metre between the perimeter of the canopy of two umbrellas. The minimum distance between sunbeds for different umbrellas is two metres. There must be a towel on the sunbed, which is the responsibility of the swimmer. Sport will be regulated by special instructions and decrees on the specific issue. Personnel at beaches must sanitise the sunbeds and chairs after use by each client. There is a prohibition of vendors such as lottery tickets, sea sports in line with decrees as these are amended. Transactions in cash should be reduced as much as possible. Pending the further relaxation of measures, the use of changing rooms and showers in indoor areas is prohibited.
  1. Sale of food and drink on the beach
Implementation of personal hygiene. Clients waiting to be served must maintain a two-metre distance. Sales on the beach by vendors  (eg juice, water, sweets etc) is prohibited in line with the decrees as these are amended. Transactions in cash should be reduced as much as possible.
  1. Water Sport
Personal protection measures by employees in line with the decrees. They must regularly clean/disinfect the surfaces touched by clients in preparing for water sports, in line with Health Ministry instructions and using gloves. The sports equipment must be disinfected after use by each client. They must disinfect any clothing used by a client with disinfectant or by washing at high temperatures depending on the clothing. Only the same members of a family can use any sea sport equipment at the same time or people who must maintain two metres distance. Transactions in cash should be reduced as much as possible.
  1. Sanitary facilities (toilets, outdoor showers)
These must be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Common use items must be regularly cleaned. Toilets must be equipped with liquid soap and single-use paper towels (which must be thrown into trash cans with foot pedals) and hand sanitiser. Special care must be taken to ensure natural ventilation. Surfaces used frequently such as door handles, taps etc must be cleaned regularly wearing gloves. Plastic bags with rubbish must be tied tightly and removed immediately. Gloves must be thrown away after use.