Sunday, January 26, 2020


in-cyprus 25 January 2020 -Edited by  

The Health Services have drawn up a plan of action should a coronavirus case be reported in Cyprus.
The Health Ministry statement follows the announcement of the first confirmed cases in Europe and the issue of  a travel advisory by the Foreign Ministry.
The plan of action includes the following:

  • Distribution of an information leaflet with instructions to travellers who, despite advice to the contrary, choose to travel to China or other areas where cases of the virus have been confirmed
  • Instructions to authorities at points of entry (airports and ports) and preparations of protocols to recognise suspicious cases
  • Activation of protocols to transfer such suspicious cases by the ambulance service
  • Preparation of information leaflet with instructions for health professionals at the ports of entry of the Republic of Cyprus
  • Preparation of a protocol to investigate suspicious cases including lab tests for confirmation cases
  • Preparation of instructions to prevent transmission of the virus to health centres
  • Activation  of a task force by the infectious diseases unit to monitor developments and immediately upgrade measures where the need arises
Citizens planning to travel to areas where cases have been reported are urged to follow local media on developments regarding the virus, comply with the instructions of authorities there and take personal protection measures.

The Health Services said that they are on alert and in contact with the World Health Organisation and the  European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and ready to implement new instructions that may be issued.