Monday, December 23, 2019


23/12/2019 14:27:00

We remind citizens many times that, in addition to the efforts made by the Police to prevent burglaries and thefts from 
homes and other estates, they should be very careful and take further measures to protect their property more effectively.

Indicatively, suggests several preventive measures advised housing tenants and owners and shop staff to take:
1. before leaving our home, we make sure that we did not leave signs that betray our absence.
2. We avoid any posting or notification on social media online, which may indicate where we are and betray our absence.
3. We make sure that our home is locked securely by locking doors, windows and leave lights on.
4. Do not leave the keys on the locks, even on the inside of the door.
5. We do not leave exposed or unsafe items, money, jewelry or other valuables and important documents.
6. If an alarm system or surveillance system is installed in our home, we make sure we have it turned on.
7. We work with people of our trust, such as our parents or adult children or neighbours, to regularly monitor our home 
while we are  away.

Shop Owners
1. During the closing hours of the store we leave the cash registers of the store open and free of cash.
2.  We do not leave large sums of money or other personal property exposed to unsafe places.
3.  We make sure our store is locked securely with doors, windows and lights on.
4.  Do not leave the keys on the locks, or even on the inside of the door.
5.  If the goods in our store have serial numbers, we keep a record of their serial numbers so that the goods can be 
traced and identified in the event of theft.
6. If there is an alarm system installed in our store or even a closed circuit, we make sure we have them turned on.
7.  Store owners and staff are encouraged to be vigilant, especially when transferring money when they open or close 
their shop, since there is a risk of being robbed.
In general, the public is urged to be vigilant and cooperate closely with the Police, and if they suspect anything 
suspicious, such as persons or vehicles being suspected of moving, immediately inform the local Police Station or 
contact the Citizens Contact Line at number 1460.
Finally, always keeping our physical integrity, safety and health as a priority, we avoid any confrontation with any 
suspicious person who may react aggressively against us. The discreet observation of suspects and the immediate
informing of the Police is the safest handling of such incidents by citizens.