Monday, December 23, 2019


23/12/2019 15:25:00

Dear fellow citizens, 

On the occasion of the great feast of the Birth of God and the coming of the new year, I wish you all a very happy year.

With health, personal and family happiness. I hope the new year brings the coveted freedom to our island. 

The Cyprus Police welcomes the coming of the new year with optimism. We are well aware that society and citizens 
look to us in their daily problems. They want to feel that we are present, next to them, where and when needed.  

Our primary concern is your safety and protection; to offer a high level of service to society so that order, security and 
peace prevail. 

Particularly in these holy days, we feel the need to reach out to those fellow humans who are most in need of our 
attention and care because of difficulties and problems. There are children, women, and the elderly among us, who 
for various reasons are more vulnerable, more exposed to threats and dangers.

The Police are present. Our members help to become a more collective society, so that one can care for one another. 
Let no one feel alone, in fear, threat or exploitation.

The Police are next to each of you. This is our philosophy. So I invite you to move forward with confidence and 
confidence. For a better and safer society, with collectivity and solidarity. 
Happy New Year
Cyprus Michaelides
Chief of Police