Filenews 1 March 2025 - by Michalis Hadjivassilis
It radically changes the operating landscape of supporters' associations, which come under the responsibility of First Division clubs. They will now register as clubs, while funding for clubs will be cut if regulations are not respected and they will pay for their supporters.
A bill, which is expected to provoke reactions, put to public consultation yesterday by the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, provides for prison sentences if the provisions of the law are not complied with, while the main thing is that clubs will bear civil liability for damages caused by members of their fan associations. The changes for the SYFI were announced by the Minister of Justice, Marios Hartsiotis, as a measure to suppress violence in stadiums along with the bill for narco-alcohol tests on fans.
The main provisions of the bill are:
>> The mandatory recognition of a supporters' association by any club, sports company or first-class club.
>> The mandatory registration of supporters' associations as clubs, under the "Clubs Law".
>> The mandatory registration of supporters' associations in the Cyprus Sports Organisation (CSO) register.
>> The determination of conditions for member registration and operation of associations.
>> The definition of conditions for the operation of offices and branches of the associations.
>> Non-funding of teams that do not comply with the provisions of the law, pursuant to the "Betting Law".
>> Determination of a procedure for suspending the operation of offices and branches and dissolving fan associations.
As stated, "supporters' association" means the association of natural persons whose aim is to support or support in any legal way a club, sports company or first-class club. In order for a SYFI to operate, each association is obliged to consent in writing to its recognition and operation. No more than one fan association is allowed to operate, but branches are allowed, one in each city.
A club, sports company or first-class club that does not comply with the obligation to consent to the operation of its fan association is not funded in accordance with the provisions of the "Betting Law". In addition, the first-class club concerned is obliged to exercise supervision and control over the supporters' association it has recognized, with its representative.
Civil liability
The most important thing in the bill is that the relevant club is liable for acts of violence against persons and property committed by members of the association it has established, before, during and after sports events. The seat of the supporters' association must be the seat of the relevant club. At the same time, the offices of the supporters' association must be co-located with the relevant club, sports company or first class club. A member of a supporters' association is open to a person who has his/her permanent residence in Cyprus and is aged 16 or over.
However, a person under the age of 18 may register as a member of the supporters' association only with the written consent of the person exercising parental responsibility.
It is also provided that a member of SYFI is registered if he has not been deprived of fan status. In case of deprivation of the fan status of an existing member of a fan association, this status is cancelled. The supporters' association must issue an identity card for each of its members, which is valid for one year. It also keeps a mandatory register book of members that includes the details of their identity and permanent residence.
In order for a SYFI to register as an association, it is required to accompany the application:
(a) Written consent of the board of directors of the relevant association.
(b) To provide in provisions of the articles of association that:
(i) The supporters' association has the written consent of the club, sports company or first division club concerned.
(ii) a person who is prevented from doing so may not be a member of the association.
(c) Disciplinary sanctions of expulsion from the supporters' association shall be imposed on any member who commits offences of violence on the occasion of sporting events or regardless of connection with a sporting event, commits offences of violence having a clear sporting reference and sporting background that goes back to rivalry between fans of sports teams.
(d) The supporters' association is governed by a board of directors, which has a two-year term.
The association is registered with the CMO and may maintain an office or branch in each district. Any person who operates an office or branch of a supporters' association in contravention of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of an offence and, if convicted, shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding €10,000 or to both of these penalties. The association is obliged to inform the CMO of any change in the data submitted and in case of omission the responsible person is guilty of an offence punishable by six months imprisonment or a fine of €1,000.
Decree suspending the operation of SYFI
The bill also provides:
(1) A member of the Police on the instructions of the Chief of Police may submit to the Court a unilateral application at any stage after the filing of an indictment for an offence in violation of Article 52 F concerning the operation of offices and branches and the Court may issue a temporary order suspending the operation of any premises or place connected with the offence being tried; which decree may be designated as refundable, after it has been satisfied that:
>> The indictment shall contain a reference to an offence in violation of Article 52F.
>> There is prima facie evidence linking a specific person or premises to the offence being tried.
(2) A court which finds a person guilty of an offence in breach of section 52 F, in addition to imposing a penalty and having regard to whether there is a reasonable risk that a new offence of a similar nature will be committed in the future, may order the person:
(i) Discontinue or suspend any actions or practices or services related to the offence for which he/she has been convicted.
(ii) To close and keep closed any premises in relation to which the offence for which he has been convicted has been committed, immediately or within a reasonable time and under conditions that the Court deems appropriate or necessary to specify in the Decree, with a view to the more effective implementation of the provisions of this Law.
(3) Where a suspension order is issued and the person against whom it was issued fails or neglects to comply within the time specified therein, the Chief of Police shall proceed with the execution of the order and the costs of its execution shall be borne by the person against whom the decree was issued and shall be considered and collected as a fine; in accordance with the provisions of the "Criminal Procedure Law".
(4) A person against whom a decree has been issued and fails to comply shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding EUR 20 000 or to both of these penalties.
Dissolution of a union
A request to a competent Court for the dissolution of a supporters' association may be submitted by the relevant club and the CSO. The grounds for winding up shall include in particular:
a) Violation of obligations under this law.
b) The operation of offices or branches without the required license.
c) The written withdrawal or non-renewal of the written consent of the sports team concerned.