Filenews 1 March 2025
From March 4, 2025 until March 28, 2025, the registrations of students of the first grade of Public Gymnasium for the school year 2025-2026 will be conducted electronically.
According to an announcement by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, in the context of e-government and with the aim of upgrading procedures and services, the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (Y.P.A.N.) is introducing this year, a new electronic system for the enrolment of students in the first grade of Public Gymnasium.
It is emphasized that in order for Grade A students to be able to register through the "Electronic Administration of Education and Education" (eCMP) system, parents/guardians must create an account at CY Login and then create their profile in the online registration system.
Specifically, for the smooth conduct of registrations, the Ministry provides the following information:
Registration in the first grade of Gymnasium will be done electronically following the procedure below: Create a CY Login Account for the parent/guardian: For the registration of Grade A students, parents/guardians must create an account at CY Login. Parents/guardians who do not have a CY Login account, can follow the relevant procedure described in the following video:
Parents/guardians who will face any problem with the creation of a CY Login account, can contact the Citizen Service Centers.
Login to the eCMP portal
After creating a CY Login account, parents/guardians should go to the eCMP portal at the link:, and select "Parent/Guardian Portal".
The login is done by entering the username and password of the CY Login account.
After logging into the system, parents/guardians can access the eCMP User Guide by clicking on the "Help" option. They can also watch the relevant video-guide for electronic registrations:
Parents/guardians who will face any problems in the next steps (Parent/Guardian Profile, Student Profile, Student Registration Application, Registration Application and Transfer Process) can contact 22558618 phone or send an email to:
Create a parent/guardian profile
As a first step after logging in, parents / guardians must create the Parent/Guardian Profile from the menu "Manage Parent/Guardian Profile".
Create a student profile
Next, parents/guardians must create the Student Profile from the "Manage Student Profile" menu.
For students whose details cannot be confirmed by the Civil Registry, an Identity Card or Alien Registration Card (ARC) is required, which must be scanned and attached to the system.
Student Registration Application
Upon completion of the Student Profile, parents/guardians can proceed with the registration application from the menu "Services For Parents/Guardians", by selecting "Registrations".
It is noted that the eCMP system will determine the Gymnasium of the student's attendance. In case the Gymnasium of attendance is not determined by the eCMP system, parents/guardians should contact the relevant District Office of Secondary General Education for further instructions and for determining the Gymnasium attendance.
Submission of Registration Form
Upon completion of the submission, the request will be registered as "pending validation", which means that it has been submitted and is awaiting review-approval by each school.
It is noted that for the successful completion of the above procedure, parents/guardians must attach all required certificates/documents/forms.
Process of review-approval by a school
From March 4, 2025 until April 4, 2025, the school will study all online registration forms, with the relevant attachments, and check their correctness.
Parents/guardians will be notified through the system either to approve the registration or to complete/attach specific data/data/information/forms.
Parents/guardians will have until April 8, 2025 to complete/attach specific data/data/information/forms, if required, in order to approve registration.
The school will review all online enrolment applications for which data/data/information/forms were expected by April 10, 2025. Parents/guardians will be notified through the system for approval of registration. If for any reason there are still pending issues, the school contacts the parents/guardians by phone to complete the registrations.
Transfer process
It is noted that parents/guardians, who wish to transfer their child to a school other than the school already determined by the system, will be able to submit an online transfer application from April 9, 2025 until April 24, 2025. Please note that there will be no other possibility to submit transfer applications.
It is understood that in order to be able to apply for transfer, parents/guardians must have previously followed the procedure as described in paragraphs 2 and 3, in order to enrol their child in the school determined by the system and obtain the relevant approval.
To submit a transfer application, parents/guardians should go to the eCMP portal (see section 2.2) and from the menu "Services For Parents/Guardians", select "Transfers". They will then need to register and justify the reason for transfer, register the school of destination and submit the transfer application.
Transfer applications will be approved or rejected via the eCMP online system. In particular, both parents/guardians and affected schools will be informed through the system. The student, if their transfer is approved, will be automatically transferred to the new school through the system, without having to re-enrol in the new school.
Registration Right
All children, of any nationality, residing in Cyprus, regardless of the legal or non-legal residence of their parents/guardians, have the right to register.
Contact details of the District Offices of Secondary General Education
Nicosia District Office
Kimonos and Thucydides corner, Acropolis, 1434 Nicosia Phone: 22 806315 E-mail:
Limassol District Office
126 Franklin Roosevelt, KIRZIS Apartment Building, 5th floor, 3011 Limassol Phone: 25 820883, 25 820882 E-mail:
Larnaca-Famagusta District Office
45 Eleftherias Avenue, Economou Properties, 1st floor, 7102 Aradippou Phone: 24 813256, 24 813239 E-mail:
Pafos District Office
Neophytou Nicolaides, New District Government Offices, P.O.Box 6077, 8100 Paphos Phone: 26 804516 E-mail: