Sunday, March 9, 2025


 Filenews 8 March 2025

Reports of animal abuse incidents in recent years have shown an increasing trend, Nicoletta Tyrimou, Spokeswoman for the Crime Prevention Office of the Headquarters to which the Animal Police belongs, told CNA, noting at the same time that cases of animal abuse or non-welfare may have existed but people are now more aware and do not hesitate to proceed with complaints.

In 2024there were 150 complaints of animal cruelty, while in 2023 there were 90 complaints, adding that since 2021, when the Animal Police was established, there has been an increase of 30%.

Asked about public awareness of the work of the Police, Tyrimou said that in recent years there has been an increased public awareness on various social issues, such as crime prevention and animal abuse.

Particularly on the issue of animal abuse, she continued, "we see that society has become more sensitized, which is reflected both in the increase of animal welfare organizations and in the greater mobilization of citizens." She also said that citizens do not hesitate to come forward with complaints when they become aware of incidents of abuse, which contributes significantly to the work of the Police.

Tyrimou described the cooperation of the Police and citizens as crucial, since, as she said, citizens act as "the eyes and ears of society" and provide valuable information that allows the Police to intervene immediately and investigate incidents.

In addition, the increasing pressure of public opinion leads to an improvement in the social framework, with harsher penalties for offenders, she added.

She added that informing and educating the public remains a key goal of the Police in general, as "through prevention actions we can prevent any delinquent behaviours that may occur, and for this reason we try to the maximum possible to carry out information campaigns in organized groups in schools and generally wherever we are invited."

Asked how difficult it is to solve such cases, Tyrimou said that solving cases of animal abuse presents significant challenges, mainly due to the lack of direct and reliable testimonies. In many cases the incidents take place without the presence of eyewitnesses, while the victims themselves cannot testify or show the perpetrator.

This, she continued, makes it particularly difficult to gather evidence that could support a criminal prosecution. In addition, the effective investigation of cases of animal abuse and/or welfare requires specialized knowledge and coordination between the police, animal welfare organizations, veterinary services and sufficient evidence is needed so that cases can easily be brought to justice, she added.

Therefore, she noted, informing the public about the importance of reporting such incidents and strengthening the means of investigation are decisive factors in dealing with this phenomenon.

According to the available data available to the Animal Police so far, she continued, the incidents of animal abuse reported in recent years unfortunately show an increasing trend, adding that this does not mean that cases of animal abuse have increased.

Cases of animal abuse or non-welfare may have existed, but people are now more sensitized, so they do not hesitate to proceed with complaints.

She added that both the Police, the Veterinary Services and the Ministry of Agriculture are making targeted efforts to ensure the welfare of the animals. She also said that denunciation and punishment is not an end in itself, noting that the purpose is to acquire culture, to acquire education so that animals are treated as they deserve.

As Tyrimou explained, measures are needed to further strengthen protection measures and strengthen the role of the Police to ensure that every animal receives the care and protection it deserves.

In relation to the penalties regarding animal offenses, they are quite high, she said, adding that an amending law on animals is before Parliament, according to which some penalties will be changed and increased so that they are more dissuasive and the offenders know that in case they are found to be illegal, and the fine or penalty will be quite significant.

Specifically, the possession of a dog without a license to possess is a fine of  €200, without marking also and registration in the Registry is €200, failure to inform the competent authority about the loss or theft of the dog within two working days also carries a penalty of a fine. There are as explained many offences involving animal welfare.

Asked what is happening with animal shelters, Tyrimou said that animal shelters are overcrowded and unfortunately are under the responsibility of community and municipal authorities. She also said that the situation with stray dogs and overcrowded shelters is a serious issue that requires the immediate attention and action of the authorities and society in general. She also noted that unfortunately in Cyprus the management of stray dogs is a bit unclear and many times the community authorities do not take responsibility for the solution of the problem leaving the situation to deteriorate.

As she stressed, the reduction of the number of stray animals starts from the responsible ownership of the animal by the owner who must ensure its welfare, marking and neutering. She also continued, that Local Authorities must apply the Dogs Law in order to reduce the flows of strays.

That is, she explained, they must make targeted efforts to ensure animal welfare but also to verify whether dogs are marked and neutered.

The State has given, as she said, a period of implementation of the Scheme for the Support of Local Government Authorities for the creation of regional premises for the temporary keeping of stray dogs, the amount of which is €1,500,000. A budget of €40,000 is also granted to animal welfare organizations. She then referred to allegations that are not so true, adding however that the members of the Animal Police are trying and doing work.

"Animal welfare," said Mrs. Tyrimou, "is a big chapter that does not only concern the Police and concerns collective work that must be done with the cooperation of all stakeholders, the Municipalities, the Community Councils, the Veterinary Clinic and also concerns the citizens themselves because the ownership of an animal entails responsibilities." She added that it is everyone's duty for animals to be treated with respect and care, she stressed.

The Law on the establishment of the special unit in the Cyprus Police, known as the Animal Police, was passed by Parliament in 2021, Tyrimou said. this Unit consists of members of the Police who deal with mistreatment, animal abuse and its members are regularly trained to perform their duties. There are currently 15 members of the Animal Police in all districts.