Friday, March 14, 2025


 Filenews 14 March 2025 - by Angelos Nicolaou

Two new illegal premises grew in the heart of Akamas, within Natura 2000 Network areas, as denounced by the Cyprus Foundation for the Protection and Environment Terra Cypria. These are refreshment stands, which affect the conservation objectives of the Akamas Peninsula and are located in areas of particular ecological value, which fall within the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the Special Protection Area (SPA).

The first illegal premises, which operates as a refreshment bar, is located in Platanos, near the protected landscape Avakas Gorge. The second illegal premises, which also operates as a refreshment bar, is located in the area of Alimma, near the protected landscape of Aspros Potamos. Both premises were constructed and operate without a license, within the Forest Protection Planning Zone and the Coastal and Nature Protection Area Planning Regime (Z4-PF).

Of particular concern is the fact that one of the premises is located within a breeding area for birds of prey, such as Zanos and Bonelli's eagle, which are species designated by the Akamas Peninsula SPA. These are spatial species during their breeding season, which are not tolerant of disturbance of its nesting area with the risk of abandonment. Therefore, these species of birds of prey require a no-disturbance zone within a radius of 1-2 km from their nests to avoid the risk of abandonment.

In addition, the other premises fall within the Lara-Toxeftra Marine Protected Area (MPA), which is the main nesting area of the sea turtles Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta. Sea turtles and their nesting beaches are protected by Cypriot legislation, EU directives and international conventions, while the construction of any building and the installation of any premises on these beaches is prohibited.

According to the Fisheries Regulations, it is forbidden for any person to place in any part of the MPA Lara – Toxeftra a cot, umbrella, caravan, tent or other shack. According to the Beach Protection Decree, the construction and/or installation of any construction within the defined Beach Protection Zone and/or any piece of land adjacent to it is prohibited.

The Cyprus Foundation for the Protection of the Environment Terra Cypria calls for immediate action by the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Agriculture to lift arbitrary interventions, dismantle illegal constructions, restore legality and protect the environment. In addition, in accordance with the Aarhus Convention and applicable environmental legislation, the organization requests information on the actions to be taken by the co-competent authorities within one month.