Monday, July 1, 2024

TALA COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Announcement on cleaning of fields and lots


Tala Community Council informs and reminds owners of lands, fields, yards, houses and open spaces, that under Law they are obligated to keep them clean, as far as weeds and prunings, as well as any other useless and non-materials. This measure concerns preventing fires as well as protecting residents from snakes and rodents.
Therefore, through to Sunday 7/7/2024, cleanups shall be carried out by owners who also have exclusive responsibility, regardless of whether inside their properties/land there are materials placed there by a third party.
After the above deadline, the Community Council will launch a cleaning campaign and the cost will be charged to the owners. The charges will be:

1. For simple cleaning of weeds € 0.17/m2
2. For cleaning of weeds and useless materials € 0.25 / m2
3. The minimum charge for a plot of up to 600 square meters will be €100 and will increase depending on the area of the plot and the amount of materials that will need to be loaded and removed.
From the Tala Community Council