Monday, July 1, 2024


 Filenews 1 July 2024

On average, the KEP provided 3,210 services on a daily basis in 2023 and in total the 9 Citizen Service Centers and the Service Unit in Kato Pyrgos Tyllirias operating in 2023, offered 805,826 services, while 631,549 calls were answered by the KEP call center.

According to the annual report of the Ministry of Finance for 2023, it is stated that, in the context of upgrading the quality of public services provided by the state to citizens, the Department of Public Administration and Personnel promotes the development and expansion of the institution of KEP. In the year 2023, the following were implemented:

‣ Commencement of the provision of certification services with the Apostille stamp of private documents, affidavits with annexes and documents of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property at the KEP of Pafos as of 3 April 2023, at the KEP of Kolossi, Polis Chrysochous and Pelendri as of 26 June 2023 and at the KEP of Nicosia 1 (Engomi), Nicosia 2 (Arch. Makarios III Avenue), Larnaka and Famagusta as of 20 July 2023.

‣ Actions, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works and the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services, for the relocation of certain Centers to privately owned premises.

‣ Preparatory work regarding the implementation of Phase B of the project of the priority order and service management system in KEP/KEPOs, which includes the following functions:

• Arrangement of appointments for the service of citizens, through the system:

‣ By the citizens themselves, via the internet and via a mobile application.

‣ From KEP telephone operators, who will continue to arrange appointments for citizens.

• Provision of additional services via videoconference concerning the issuance of certain certificates of the Social Insurance Services, the Welfare Benefits Administration Service and the Grants and Allowances Service, as well as the provision of information on the progress of claims.

‣ Actions to extend the services of KEPs to certain migration services of the Civil Registry and Migration Department.

‣ Re-certification of the quality management system of KEP, based on ISO 9001-2015 by the Cyprus Certification Society.

‣ Implementation of an occupational safety and health system in all KEPs, elaboration and implementation of an Action Plan in case of emergency and promotion of additional actions based on the obligations of the relevant legislation and guidelines.

‣ Promotion of actions in collaboration with the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and the Department of Information Technology Services in the context of information security / digital security in KEP.

‣ Conducting a citizen satisfaction survey for KEPs in September 2023 in collaboration with the Statistical Service, in the context of which the vast majority of citizens (97.1%) stated that they are generally satisfied or very satisfied with the KEPs. This survey is carried out every 3 years, in the context of a specific goal set in the quality management system of KEPs, which concerns the maintenance of a high level of citizen satisfaction.

2,516 calls answered on a daily basis

The call center of the KEP has undertaken (ancillary to the parent services) the telephone service for all the services offered in the KEP, regarding information regarding the procedures, conditions, supporting documents to be provided, etc. Furthermore, the service of citizens after the telephone appointment arrangement was institutionalized in the KEP, with a positive response from the vast majority of citizens.

In the context of improving public service, as of November 15, 2021, the new unified call center of KEP was implemented through the government unified network with a nationwide number 22309100. In 2023, a total of 631,549 calls were answered by the KEP call center, i.e. an average of 2,516 calls on a daily basis. 27%, 23%, 17% of the total calls concerned services of the Civil Registry and Migration Department, the Department of Road Transport and the Social Insurance Services, respectively.