Friday, June 7, 2024



Six ways to save energy in households are given by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry.

Specifically, the Energy Service of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, due to the high energy prices as a result of the ongoing energy crisis and the need to strengthen efforts to save energy, recommends taking simple measures for the rational use of energy at home. Their combination can lead to energy savings of 10-15%.

The proposed measures concern:

1. Heating and Air Conditioning

  • Air-condition only the spaces you use and plan the operation of the heating or air conditioner depending on the use of the space.
  • Make sure that the filters of the air conditioner are cleaned frequently, and the direction of the air is downwards for heating the room.
  • Bleed and clean the radiator fins with a special brush.
  • Avoid the use of ordinary electric radiators and air heaters.
  • Make proper use of windows and shades. On hot summer days, close the windows, curtains and window covers and in the evening open them to create a stream of air that will cool the space. On cool summer days you open the windows instead of the air conditioner and on sunny winter days you open the curtains and window covers to warm the space
  • Set the thermostat correctly. Try in winter 19-20 °C and in summer 25-26 °C or higher.
  • Customize your attire according to the weather even when you're inside the building.
  • Always keep doors and windows closed and do not ventilate the space when operating or heating or the air conditioner.
  • Do not place heat sources near the thermostat.
  • Use ceiling fans instead of the air conditioner.
  • Turn off the air conditioning about half an hour before leaving the room.
  • Set the air conditioner to the "auto" position and give preference to the maximum fan speed (set the fan of the air conditioner to low speeds only when there is high humidity).
  • Check for any holes and cracks in doors and frames (insulate with a special self-adhesive airtight tape).
  • Do not cover radiators with covers or put furniture in front of them.
  • If there is a fireplace, close its chimney when it is not lit.

2. Lighting

  • Do not use more light than you need. Put smaller lamps in rooms and corridors and in the common auxiliary spaces.
  • Turn off the lights in the areas you do not use and when you will be away from the space for a long time.
  • Avoid reckless use of artificial lighting (do not leave the lights on unnecessarily).
  • Make sure that the fixtures are regularly dusted.
  • Make sure that windows are cleaned regularly.
  • Make the most of natural daylight. Avoid artificial lighting if it is not necessary.
  • Make sure that you always use energy-efficient economical lamps and that their size is commensurate with your needs.
  • Rearrange the furniture of the site taking into account the windows. Place worktops and desks near the windows.
  • Use light colours on the walls.
  • Do not use lampshades with dark and thick fabrics.
  • Prefer low general lighting and additional local lighting in the places where you need it.

3. Kitchens

  • Preheat the oven only when necessary and for a short time.
  • Avoid opening the oven door when it is in operation.
  • Check the good fit of the door to the oven chamber.
  • Use the automatic cleaning of the oven after use and while the oven is still hot.
  • In kitchens, use utensils that have a flat base and fit the size of the hob. Use a pressure cooker where possible.
  • Be sure to close the kitchen extractors when you do not need them.
  • When boiling water, cover the pot with its lid. Do not boil more water than you really need.
  • Turn off the oven and electric hobs just before the food is cooked to take advantage of the remaining heat.

4. Refrigerators and freezers

  • Avoid placing a refrigerator near radiators, built-in areas or exposing it to sunlight. Place your refrigerator away from the electric stove.
  • Avoid placing hot items in the refrigerator and freezer compartment.
  • Check the seal around the door and make sure that the door closes hermetically.
  • Check the defrosting if it is not automatic, so as not to collect ice over 0.5 cm.
  • Do not open and close the refrigerator door unnecessarily and do not keep it open for too long.
  • When absent for long periods of time, switch the power off, empty it and leave its door[s] open.

5. Washing machines and dryers

  • Prefer natural drying of clothes.
  • Use the washing machine and dryer when they are full without overloading them.
  • Set the washing schedule of the washing machine or dishwasher to lower temperatures. Choose the economical washing cycle. Prewash should be used only for very dirty clothes. Take advantage of detergents that act effectively at lower temperatures.
  • Clothes dryers are the most energy-intensive devices. If you really need to use it, place the device in a heated room and use it for continuous purposes, taking advantage of the accumulation of temperature. Also clean the air filter after each use.

6. General tips

  • Be sure to always choose the number and size of electrical appliances according to your needs.
  • Make sure that maintenance schedules are adhered to and that maintenance is done by properly trained people. Make sure that any damage to the heating and air conditioning systems is immediately corrected.
  • Make sure that the energy-saving interventions that have already been implemented in the building are working normally.
  • Make sure that the main ventilation installation and fans in the toilets stop working when the rooms are not in use.
  • Do not choose the elevator to climb 1-2 floors.
  • Do not leave any electrical appliance on when you do not need it (close from the outlet because in standby they still consume power).
  • Make sure that those around you do not waste energy. Inform them and constantly set a good example.