Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Filenews 2 June 2024

Weak high pressure affects the area. Dilute dust will be observed in the atmosphere today and is expected to gradually recede by tonight.

Today, the weather will be mostly clear. The winds will blow initially variable weak, 3 Beaufort, gradually becoming mainly southwest to northwest weak to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea will be calm until a little turbulent. The temperature will rise around 37 degrees in the interior, around 32 on the south and east coasts, around 30 on the west and north coasts and around 29 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight, the weather will remain mostly clear. The winds will blow mainly northwest to north weak and locally to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea will be calm until a little turbulent and transiently locally in the west a little turbulent. The temperature will drop to around 22 degrees in the interior, around 23 degrees on the coast and around 20 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the weather will be mostly clear and warm. The temperature will gradually rise to fluctuate significantly above the average climatic values.